[I have been wanting to do this, but if I messed up on something in the OP I apologize. I am a little tired, but will be back here later ]
Hey Skyrim community!
As we all may have seen or know who you are, Skyrim brought in a lot of new fans. When Dragonborn was announced (finally) there was a lot of excitement for some fans for returning to Solstheim but there were a good amount that never played the http://gameswalls.com/wallpapers/e/elder-scrolls-3-bloodmoon/elder-scrolls-3-bloodmoon-5.jpg expansion, so Solstheim was new for them.
I mentioned in the old Dragonborn forum that I would do a sort of "tour" of Solstheim for the Morrowind virgins (Well, Bloodmoon to be specific) and the responses I got were positive and quite a few posts from new fans were saying that this would be great for those who haven't set foot on Solstheim before!
Well, before I give it to the Nerevarine, I just wanna say a few things: Bloodmoon was huge. It was almost like the Shivering Isles of Morrowind, with lots of content and new stuff. Even Werewolf players got a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUW9mYIdyt4&list=PL9CB69467EEC1EE90 for anytime they transform! I will definitely stray from showing or telling anything about the MQ of Bloodmoon and Dragonborn. Obviously, other minor spoilers I won't show except a couple which are too awesome to not show to the fresh new players but I won't directly tell what it is.... Also, I didn't document everything from Bloodmoon not only because of spoilers, but because I haven't done everything! So, you may notice I am purposely missing stuff solely because I have already done it and cannot turn back or I haven't found it yet on my character. Of course, you can check with me if I did miss something and to see if I left it out on purpose or not. If it is spoilerific, put it in spoiler tags! And if other fans want to add anything for the tourists, feel free to add stuff as well! Again, make sure to spoiler tag spoilers! I cannot stress that enough!
Well, that does it for me. Hopefully I covered most of the disclaimer's and a little background info. Welcome to the tour, new fans! The Nerevarine will be with you shortly, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIpg4-wF4g, shall we?
Ah, you are all back! I am sure Stick treated you well. He what? He did that? He also let you rest? Good. Who now? What happened? Who's Ratwar?
Well, I am sure you have a lot of questions but hopefully he didn't spoil stuff for you. Well, have any questions you can ask but I first want to assure other posters to post any spoilery answers/posts in spoiler tags!
Well, then. That should do it. I apologize if something went worng or if something didn't seem right.
Thank you for taking a tour of Bloodmoon! Hopefully, you would want to play Morrowind now, do ya?