Solution for Gun Argument

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:11 pm

Okay, here we go. I'm not expecting this to actually result in attention from the devs, as I have no doubt they're knee deep in actual bugs, not cosmetic issues. On top of that, I'm having so much fun with their game that this is really just wish fulfillment. So, modders, this one's for you.

The assault rifle should be renamed to "LMG", and should be upgradeable to .308, at which point it is renamed to "MMG". Aesthetically, it should remain the same; it's a Power Armor weapon, and the liquid-cooled function fits that. Functionally, it should only be fully automatic.

The combat rifle should be chambered in 5.56 initially, and the option should remain to upgrade it to .308, at which point it should be renamed "Battle Rifle". Single-shot, burst-fire and full auto receivers should be available.

The 10mm pistol should have an extended upgrade tree, including the option to add a stock and extended barrel. This would allow a fully-automatic alternative to the pipe SMG. The 10mm is a versatile weapon already; it would be nice to see it made even more useful.

The .38 rounds should be changed to 9mm; after all, they're practically the same round.

Pipe weapons should have an extended upgrade tree; after all, in your travels, you would probably find more intact, more modern bits and pieces to attach to your weapon. In effect, I'm just asking for collapsible stocks, polymer forearms (to replace the blocks of wood), rails, and upgraded sights. Even just the chance for clean shiny or black pipes would be cool.

When upgraded to fully stocked and barreled rifles, the hunting rifle/pistol should have the bolt moved to the right side. Rule of cool does rule, but it's weird to be working the bolt with your support hand.

A bit more pistol and shotgun variety would be cool as well, though I have no doubt that more weapons will be arriving in upcoming DLC.

Let me know what you guys think. Cheers!
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:58 am

Meh personally I think its better to just add new gear with DLC, the game has been crafted for years with these particular guns in mind, working exactly as they do now, just throwing on a patch doing all this work is no easy task and honestly risks of backfiring.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:46 am

I know, that's why this is addressed to modders, not the devs.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:15 pm

Yeah I was personally disappointing at the lack of a 10mm SMG. I assumed that the 10mm pistol would have a stock upgrade to make this possible but I guess not :/ I'm not on PC right now, as its internet capability is currently down, but I am looking forward to getting off this Xbox One and back on PC eventually! I feel like installing mods on console is gonna be a pain....

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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:21 am

I'm currently hoping that console mods aren't as troublesome as some think they will be; I bought a 3-terabyte hard drive to save them all to. If only the One itself had swappable graphics cards and processors...
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:35 pm

they will probably keep adding with each DLC like previews DLC hae done.

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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:01 pm

Not bad....also the base Pre-War revolver should be a ,45, with a .44 conversion option later.

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KIng James
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:40 pm

I think it's generally accepted that console mods will include addition of weapons. Those do not need script extenders and use very little resources. We won't know until we get more info but I would think that is a pretty high on the "probable" side

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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:23 pm

Pretty good job OP.

First let me say, I love the game. There's a lot of Bethesda goodness in it. Weapons are a bit of a disappointment though. I'll add the follow (but having such a limited ammo system handicaps us--I'm hoping CaliberX will solve the problem, but we'll still need to re-chamber our own weapons with the toolkit). Just wish Beth had learned more from NV regarding weapons and ammo. The visions are too divergent for me. They just shouldn't have allowed Obsidian the freedom they did to spoil players and then just take it back. PSYCHE!

Reintroduce the 1911 as a later level weapon and replacement for the 10mm. Chamber it in .45.

Agree with rechambering the combat rifle in 5.56 with the option to further rechamber in .308. Makes much more sense than chambering the only thing that could be considered a battle rifle in the game in .45 (a short range pistol and SMG round).

Rename the current "assault" rifle as a machine gun and rechamber it in .308. It is a terrible assault rifle. It would have been fine as a machine gun (with higher DAM). Many of us are sitting on piles of 5.56 as a result.

Add in a M-16 or AK base design variant (labeled "light assault rifle" or "Chinese Assault Rifle") chambered in 5.56 and/or 5mm (a far too underused round in the game unless you're a Big Gun hound).

Add in a M-14 with full auto and semi-auto variants chambered in .308. I already know a certain modder who I suspect with add this in because he did it in FO3 and New Vegas.

Add in a stand alone antimateriel rifle that is of a correct design, and does the overpowering DAM the cartridge is designed to do. Make the ammo rare if there is a concern for balance. Merely rechambering a REM 700 designed rifle is a little eyerolling to me and the cartridge is far too weak by any standard.

Add in a .38 Special and/or .357, so we can make use of the plethora of .38 rounds outside of just the pipe gun architecture the game has imposed. Obviously this would required the addition of .357, which would add a boost to DAM/DPS. Like I said above, the ammo system is far too limiting. That we can't even craft it is a step backwards.

I know why they didn't go the NV route; they merely wanted fewer base weapons upon which to lay down the mod system. Just not personally liking the design choice having been spoiled by NV. I was hoping to be spoiled again...and have the mod system. Instead, we got what got, which is underwhelming unless you're a power armor/energy weapon nut...which is fine, but small arms folks in light armor didn't really get the attention Obsidian poured upon them.

They should have integrated both systems, but added in their over the top modding system, kept reloading, and offered fewer mod options for the higher end, late game RL designed weapons. Riot armor would have been nice to have as well for those not particularly attracted to power armor. Just thought I'd add that last bit in. I was really hoping for that as well to see what Beth could do with it.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:39 pm

Lol 1st thing I noticed about most weapons they are all lefty very very rare in the firearms world ( most are custom built ) 2nd I agree there should be a bit more variety in the pistol / shotgun categories and last but definitely not least is the poor damage a .50 caliber rifle does there is nothing you can wear that will stop this round from going in one side & coming out the other up to & including hiding behind a cinder block wall it should be the top dog as far as damage and range in the ballistic category

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:39 pm

Obsidian was working with a ready game complete with the full set of weapons to which they could add their own. And non of those guns were modifiable to the extend F4 guns are.

Despite all that that, Obsidian, or should I say one of their developers whom I will not name and whom you know, managed to mess up whole weapon system by making energy weapons in to just another version of small guns because he was unable to add one line of plain text in to description in the character creation screen. As a result freaking laser rifle was doing as little damage as antiquated cowboy shooter from 1890.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:50 am

Yet so common in computer games.

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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:56 am

There's as much variety in pistol/shotguns categories as was in original Fallout or in Fallout 3. Now however you can modify them dozen ways each.

Are you sure you are playing the right game?

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