I have seen a few threads talking about being able to skip the tutorial and agree that it should be an option, but it should be done in a way which does not upset the flow of the introduction to the plot. A friend and i were talking the other day and came up with what could be a cool way to start the game while sticking to the tradition of starting as a prisoner, while having two options to start, one which resembles the Morrowind start (dropping you into an unknown world with little direction and letting you experience the new world in awe) and the Oblivion start (having you learn the new mechanics of the game through some sort of tutorial).
The game would start with you being a prisoner in enchanted handcuffs (prevent magic as well as freedom of movement) in an enclosed wagon or laying over the back of a horse (think red dead redemption) or something similar. This is where you choose your race and birth sign. From what you can overhear from the four guards that are transporting you, you are being moved from the imperial prison and have just entered Skyrim, because the crimes you committed were in this province and you escaped to Cyrodiil in the south only to be captured. You also hear them speak of things that are happening in Skyrim (cue plot intro). Suddenly you are ambushed by a group of nords from a village near by, they (because of previous altercations with imperial authority) despise the imperial guard, and attack the small caravan. Lets say if you were on the back of the horse, you fall off and are knocked unconscious. Or if your in a wagon, you get hit in the head with a large blunt weapon which crashes through the small window you were looking out of trying to see what is going on. Either way, your unconscious, and the nords having killed the guards are discussing whether or not to bring you back to the village.
This is where you choose which path to take.
Village "tutorial" - They decide to bring you back to their village. After all, the enemy of thine enemy is thy friend, and they have little care for whatever crimes you have committed in the past. This village will be the area in which the "tutorial" will take place. In other words, a small safe starting area which you can do a few small deeds for the villagers to gain some basic light fur armor and an iron weapon or staff, all the while learning the controls and taking in the game world. One of the villagers gives you a letter that the main guard had on him (hint to the start of the main quest) and before you leave, one of the village nords guesses your class judging by choices you made while in the village, and you can change it to whatever you want by correcting him. Then you are on your way with a little comfort in your abilities and the supplies given to you by the villagers. (you can decide to leave the tutorial at any time by simply leaving the area, but will miss out on whatever small quests, rewards, experience, and info such quests reveal to you. and you pick your class once your a certain distance from the village)
Alternate beginning - The events of the previous beginning unfold until the moment the nords are discussing whether to take you back to the village, they decide not to because why should they help a prisoner, of the imperial guard or anyone. You then black out and pick your class. When you awake, you find that the nords took the horses, along with most of the belongings of the guards except a letter which was left on the main guard (hint to main quest). You can manage to find some light fur armor in a compartment on the back of the wagon if that was the transportation, or off of one of the guards that happened to be carrying it if you were simply shackled and thrown over a horse. However, all the guards weapons and armor was taken by the nords along with the horses. This is it, you are left alone in the wilderness on the side of a road in the awe inspiring landscapes that Skyrim will surely provide.
Some people want Skyrim to be made this way or that way, but the important thing in reaching the large audience that this series now caters to is choices.
What do you guys think?
(apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors)