Solve the case……. save the baby
You are running a rescue mission with your squad and your objective is to bring back a VIP’s 6 month old son who is being held for ransom. The noob baby-knappers are no match for you and you quickly secure the enemy compound. You find the baby in a dark room and he appears to be very malnourished. There is no ventilation in the building and the walls are covered in black mold. There are also rat droppings covering the floor.
While you go to make the call to command for further directions, your squad tends to the baby. Your support man tosses the baby a peanut butter, banana, and honey sandwich from his pack so that the baby doesn’t starve. When you come back, you break the news that it is time to head back to base and that the baby will be reunited with his family by the following afternoon.
That night, your recon man runs up to you with a panicked look and tells you that the baby looks very weak and that he has started to just flop around like a rag doll when held. You immediately notice that the baby has slow and shallow respirations. As you try to remember anything that could have gone wrong, the only strange occurance is that the baby has not pooped all day. All of the baby’s limbs dangle, and he fails to display any grasping reflex when you touch your finger to his palm. You also notice that his eyelids have started to droop.
You must figure out what has happened to this baby and see if you can correct it before it is too late. This should be an easy one. As always, you can ask for hints, more details, or ask for any specific lab results that you would have taken in this situation. Save the baby
Hint: think Gram + Rods