Soma's Archery overhaul?Khajiit Vampire eye's

Post » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:42 pm

I got the archery overhaul on the steam workshop and used it on a couple toons...but I do not remember exactly what it does, or what came with it so I can repackage it to use later. I tried searching for it on nexus and nothing comes up, everywhere I search just has other people who got the mod on steam complaining it is no longer there.


I have a texture replacer that changed the Khjaiit vampire eyes to a blue color, and I had it working for a long time with no problem. I shelved the Khajiit vampire before Dragonborn came out because I wanted to make a new toon for the DLC. I just got my old Vampire out and reloaded it, but now the eyes are orange and glowy instead of my old blue color. I have not installed any mods that change eyes since then, in fact I have not installed anything new since then aside from a better rugs mod. Did the DLC somehow change how the Khajiit vampire eyes work? Is there some way to get them to show again?
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