You remembered me when i played Neverwinter Nights online, (as you can see, its not even a mmo), i was fighting some Ettins, and some guy was watching, i died, he wnet on my body and looted my cloak (there was random loot from your body when dead).
I was so raged, whispered him that i would hunt him down for that, at first he laughed, we ketp the discussion, until i yelled on the World his name, saying that he was a thief blablabla, after that, he got so scared that he arranged a meeting place, so he could return the cloak haha.
We arranged this meeting on a Tavern, i got there first, and stayed in stealth in a corner, i saw him entering, and sitting on a chair and asking the barmaid an ale.
Now, i mean, this kind of sittuation is indeed PRICELESS as Elxdark stated, this can only happen in a interaction between players, sadly, MMO's today doesnt have this... and PVE people hates it because of ganking... they forget games are for entertain... I knbow we all hate dying... but hey!!! Its a Game!!!