Some of you may know that my main character is a Healer named Helena Aurelie, who, amongst other things, won't do any form of direct damage to anything that's alive (undead are fair game, dead shouldn't walk!). This is a very obvious weakness and for a very specific reason. I find hard characters to play more fun.
Now, I've come to a point in her story where I need to create another character. This time a male Dunmer, born under the sign of The Steed.
He's got no desire to live, at all. So he plunges into battle with reckless abandon. Think of a guy who's got nothing to live for and wants to take as many people down with him as possible? Yeah, that's this guy. Until he meets my dear Helena...but that's for another day.
I can't for the life of me figure out any weaknesses for him. He's good with a blade and light armour, and is a decent shot with a bow (hunting). Other than that, his skills are up in the air. I know he'll lean towards magic later, but that's my own preference and something I push all my characters towards.
Can anyone think of a way to give him an obvious, potentially life threatening, weakness?