Some Critics/Points over the "new" footage

Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:01 pm


^ lmao

I was wondering when someone was going to mention that.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:59 am

Oh and this footage, well a lot of it anyways, is taken way back in the day, it's not RECENT so a lot of this stuff may be patched, or different now, so we can speculate and such, but we just need to wait for the game to come out.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:46 pm

No you are not an expert on horses obviously and like I have said a million times, look up a draft horse and you will see they look and move just like that. If people just stopped assuming and actually did research maybe these forums wouldn't be so bad.

i'm sorry but horses don't move that way, my aunt owns a stable i ride all the time. The best game representation of horses i've come across was the original assasins creed, one of the worst was in red dead redemption but i know todd loves that game (maybe because it's so buggy ;) ) so maybe he took a leaf out of the wrong book.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:18 am

Do you know what an RPG is? It's not an action-adventure game. It's a complex, tedious and challenging game. Bethesda shouldn't be moving to a different genre (or trying to redefine the one they're in) to suit your needs. If you don't like what's offered to you in an RPG, don't play RPGs. It's as simple as that.

Your character is a mortal, not a god. Why should he or she have god-like qualities? If anything, that would kill the fun of the game. Nothing would be challenging, and because of that, nothing would be rewarding either. How fun would Pacman be if you were always able to eat the ghosts? Not very fun.

You want to play tedious games... I see... Chess is all about Complexity, Tedious and Challenge. Try that.

To it to affect his movements after he fall it would require Limb Damage, what we don't have. (And he does take damage, just not too much because he is in Todd Mod)
And while you can impose yourself limits by roleplaying as a mortal (Like walking slower because of the fall damage) the other way is not true: People cannot evict the damage to pretend that they are immortal demi-god Dragonborn.

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:53 am

You want to play tedious games... I see... Chess is all about Complexity, Tedious and Challenge. Try that.

To it to affect his movements after he fall it would require Limb Damage, what we don't have. (And he does take damage, just not too much because he is in Todd Mod)
And while you can impose yourself limits by roleplaying as a mortal (Like walking slower because of the fall damage) the other way is not true: People cannot evict the damage to pretend that they are immortal demi-god Dragonborn.

Actually Chess is all about strategy and tactics...

But I digress.

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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:47 am

Actually Chess is all about strategy and tactics...

But I digress.


I actually love Chess. :biggrin:
But I must admit... It's rather boring to watch it (Playing is where the fun is)
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:31 am

I actually love Chess. :biggrin:
But I must admit... It's rather boring to watch it (Playing is where the fun is)

My thoughts exactly. lol
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:32 am

i'm sorry but horses don't move that way, my aunt owns a stable i ride all the time. The best game representation of horses i've come across was the original assasins creed, one of the worst was in red dead redemption but i know todd loves that game (maybe because it's so buggy ;) ) so maybe he took a leaf out of the wrong book.

Considering both games used motioncapture, I'd like to see how you have any evidence for this. It's one thing to be negative, it's another thing to make things up to prove a point that was flimsy at best. The horse moves fine, his back legs are a little odd, but he moves fine. It's not like they made him walk like 2 people in a horse costume. At some point, the nitpicking has to run into the brick wall that is "video games" so you'll wake the hell up and realize video games are representations of reality with our own rules imposed upon them. They are not exactly the same. They never will be. I'm so tired of people being controversial just for the hell of it.

The horse is a significant update from Oblivion's Jeep mounts. Each iteration improves upon the foundation established by the last, and the improvement is where the immersion lies. Perfection, and expectations of such, will ruin you as a person and especially as a gamer. Welcome to how it works my friend. Careful with the door on your way out. It's not animated perfectly and may hit you as it closes.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:08 am

With regards to the falling a long way, someone already pointed out, waaaaaayyyyy back on the first page, that this was clearly a dragon shout.

And yes, critiquing alpha footage from E3 is pointless.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:27 pm

And while you can impose yourself limits by roleplaying as a mortal (Like walking slower because of the fall damage) the other way is not true: People cannot evict the damage to pretend that they are immortal demi-god Dragonborn.

Sure, and we can move away from the RPG genre all the while. If you prefer games that favor simplicity over complexity, there are plenty out there for you. However, TES should not be a series that caters to impatient, prepubascent teens.

There are no challenges in Skyrim. No penalties, only flashy animations and cheap, shallow features that take away from the role-playing aspect. Why should you have to deal with things like weighted items, multiple pieces of armor, armor and weapon degradation, and other things that actually add a sense of pseudo-realism to the game? You only want to kill [censored], and look cool while doing it.

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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:43 pm

With regards to the falling a long way, someone already pointed out, waaaaaayyyyy back on the first page, that this was clearly a dragon shout.

And yes, critiquing alpha footage from E3 is pointless.

I don't care either way, but just saying, there's no proof at all it was a dragon shout. Not even a little evidence.

Considering you have to use dragon shouts by opening up the menu, which Todd didn't do, I fail to see how the no sound, action, or visual cues mean it was a dragon shout. The character has to speak every time he uses one. He didn't so much as mumble.

Btw, go jump 20 stories, you'll see that it takes about the same amount of time to hit the ground. The results will be very different however.
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kat no x
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:52 am

Sure, and we can move away from the RPG genre all the while. If you prefer games that favor simplicity over complexity, there are plenty out there for you. However, TES should not be a series that caters to impatient, prepubascent teens.

There are no challenges in Skyrim. No penalties, only flashy animations and cheap, shallow features that take away from the role-playing aspect. Why should you have to deal with things like weighted items, multiple pieces of armor, armor and weapon degradation, and other things that actually add a sense of pseudo-realism to the game? You only want to kill [censored], and look cool while doing it.


I'm sorry, are we actually talking about realism in a game where you kill dragons with fireballs?

It's. A. Fantasy. Game.

Presumably, in this fantasy world, your hero, who is strong enough to kill dragons, will not be as affected by a wolf charging him as a New York stockbroker would be. Honestly, where do people come up with these complaints?
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:05 am

I'm sorry, are we actually talking about realism in a game where you kill dragons with fireballs?

There are no challenges in Skyrim. No penalties, only flashy animations and cheap, shallow features that take away from the role-playing aspect. Why should you have to deal with things like weighted items, multiple pieces of armor, armor and weapon degradation, and other things that actually add a sense of pseudo-realism to the game? You only want to kill [censored], and look cool while doing it.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:27 am

Considering both games used motioncapture, I'd like to see how you have any evidence for this. It's one thing to be negative, it's another thing to make things up to prove a point that was flimsy at best. At this point, you're just a troll. Go lolololol yourself somewhere else and stop bringing up things you know people will argue with, just to argue and divert the thread. The horse moves fine, his back legs are a little odd, but he moves fine. It's not like they made him walk like 2 people in a horse costume. At some point, the nitpicking has to run into the brick wall that is "video games" so you'll wake the hell up and realize video games are representations of reality with our own rules imposed upon them. They are not exactly the same. They never will be. I'm so tired of people being controversial just for the hell of it.

The horse is a significant update from Oblivion's Jeep mounts. Each iteration improves upon the foundation established by the last, and the improvement is where the immersion lies. Perfection, and expectations of such, will ruin you as a person and especially as a gamer. Welcome to how it works my friend. Careful with the door on your way out. It's not animated perfectly and may hit you as it closes.

first of all, i was responding to someone else's comment about horse animations, i didn't "bring it up". Secondly don't you think your two statements of "his back legs are a little odd" and "he moves fine" are contradictory?? As for your comment that each iteration improves upon the foundation of the last: they should and do also draw from other games in the genre - notice how the spells are reminiscent of bioshock now? Lastly, how is it you can flame me and accuse me of being a troll for pointing out problems with horse animations when you did the same thing to oblivion's horses?
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:53 pm

Strange. That Wikipedia page didn't include the definition "picking and choosing the aspects of real life that one personally feels belong in a completely made-up world."
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:59 am

i'm sorry but horses don't move that way, my aunt owns a stable i ride all the time. The best game representation of horses i've come across was the original assasins creed, one of the worst was in red dead redemption but i know todd loves that game (maybe because it's so buggy ;) ) so maybe he took a leaf out of the wrong book.

I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the horse myself, so I had my girlfriend watch the video a few times. My girlfriend was a competitive rider/show jumper, and grew up on a farm with lots of horses, and she finds nothing wrong with the way the horse looks (except it looks a little gaunt, due to overly defined muscles) and definitely nothing wrong with the way the horse moves, except that it paced a bit when it transitioned from the walk to the trot.
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michael danso
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:40 pm

I feel sorry for people who criticize a game so finely. Just think about all the things that you've said are wrong and need changing, and then remember it is physically impossible to accomplish everything you ask on today's hardware, within a time constraint of approximately 2 years with a limited number of staff and only one DVD-Rom (Or Blu-Ray). Anyway that rant at annoying people aside there are only two things that I wasn't utterly amazed by:

The horse. If you Google "Nord Horse" or something similar you see that is supposed to be a stockier breed of horse, but somehow it still looks slightly out of proportion. Pretty close though.

The shout. What hero shouts about himself after the battle? I mean he's basically shouting "Dragon boooooorrrnnnn!". It freakin' svcks. Plus he has a weird teen sounding voice and it sounds incredibly animé. If I wanted to go super saiyan I would. I hope the player character's voice isn't always that girly, I want to be a gruff Nord.

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Steve Smith
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:16 am

Haters gonna hate.
Nitpickers gonna nitpick.
Me, I'm gonna play Skyrim and not worry about the tiniest detail, because it's still gonna be a badass game.

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:40 am

I feel sorry for people who criticize a game so finely. Just think about all the things that you've said are wrong and need changing, and then remember it is physically impossible to accomplish everything you ask on today's hardware, within a time constraint of approximately 2 years with a limited number of staff and only one DVD-Rom (Or Blu-Ray). Anyway that rant at annoying people aside there are only two things that I wasn't utterly amazed by:

The horse. If you Google "Nord Horse" or something similar you see that is supposed to be a stockier breed of horse, but somehow it still looks slightly out of proportion. Pretty close though.

The shout. What hero shouts about himself after the battle? I mean he's basically shouting "Dragon boooooorrrnnnn!". It freakin' svcks. Plus he has a weird teen sounding voice and it sounds incredibly animé. If I wanted to go super saiyan I would. I hope the player character's voice isn't always that girly, I want to be a gruff Nord.

I didn't have a huge problem with the voice. But that may just be because it sounds like they aren't doing the same thing they did with the poor voice actors in Oblivion.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:11 am

Strange. That Wikipedia page didn't include the definition "picking and choosing the aspects of real life that one personally feels belong in a completely made-up world."

Oh, I didn't pick and choose. The developers did. I'm just suggesting that they at least make that content feel somewhat.. "believable". It's a game, I understand, but I should at least feel as though I'm a part of that world and that my actions have consequences. I don't want TES to turn into something like Dante's Inferno, where you're given an unholy scythe and the power of the holy cross to go around and kill things. That doesn't make sense at all, which is fine because it wasn't an RPG. Skyrim is, however, so all the action-adventure features and shortcuts should come in second to things that make the game world feel as real as can be, within reason.

Working toilets? No. Damage from falling and a decreased movement speed because you're carrying too much or recovering from a fall? Yes. Those are consequences, and without them your actions have no meaning.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:25 am

"Fat Horse, Fat Horse! He rides across the nation Skyrim, the thoroughbred of fat..."

Anyway, it appears to be modeled after a Clydesdale rather than the much more commonly seen Arabian or Spanish breed. While I get trying to go after something a bit different Clydesdales honestly look kind of fat and ungainly, a different breed might have been a better choice.

Secondly, while I suppose this is still the same demo from E3 and the game has since changed, the far distance manages to look worse than Oblivion. Nothing but blocky terrain and low res textures devoid of trees and everything else. One supposes this is why they tried to hide it as much as possible.

Lastly, why does your character go full out "God of War" at the end? Assigning unwanted personality traits (in a roleplaying game...) is something that Dragon Age 2 did as well. While still not as over the top as the anime jumping jack rabbit style of that game it would still seem a deterrence to those who do not want to be "Kratos in the Elderscrolls". Maybe, make it optional at the time? A quicktime thing "press A to perform finish move"
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:27 am

0:27 ever hear of "being in shock" seems realistic to me.

I know, right? People are acting like a person would automatically go Rambo the millisecond after watching their friend just fall and die out of nowhere.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:23 am

first of all, i was responding to someone else's comment about horse animations, i didn't "bring it up". Secondly don't you think your two statements of "his back legs are a little odd" and "he moves fine" are contradictory?? As for your comment that each iteration improves upon the foundation of the last: they should and do also draw from other games in the genre - notice how the spells are reminiscent of bioshock now? Lastly, how is it you can flame me and accuse me of being a troll for pointing out problems with horse animations when you did the same thing to oblivion's horses?

"I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the horse myself, so I had my girlfriend watch the video a few times. My girlfriend was a competitive rider/show jumper, and grew up on a farm with lots of horses, and she finds nothing wrong with the way the horse looks (except it looks a little gaunt, due to overly defined muscles) and definitely nothing wrong with the way the horse moves, except that it paced a bit when it transitioned from the walk to the trot."

You brought up RDR and your own "real life expertise," purely to instigate controversy over RDR, something you darn well know is almost universally regarded as some of gaming's best horses ever created. You just fueled the fire for no reason, and still are.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:28 am

The shout. What hero shouts about himself after the battle? I mean he's basically shouting "Dragon boooooorrrnnnn!". It freakin' svcks. Plus he has a weird teen sounding voice and it sounds incredibly animé. If I wanted to go super saiyan I would. I hope the player character's voice isn't always that girly, I want to be a gruff Nord.

Gstaff already said that that shout was for the video only.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:23 am

I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the horse myself, so I had my girlfriend watch the video a few times. My girlfriend was a competitive rider/show jumper, and grew up on a farm with lots of horses, and she finds nothing wrong with the way the horse looks (except it looks a little gaunt, due to overly defined muscles) and definitely nothing wrong with the way the horse moves, except that it paced a bit when it transitioned from the walk to the trot.

I have to enjoy this comment as you say there is "nothing wrong with the way the horse looks, except... and definitely nothing wrong with the way it moves, except..." It's the exceptions that i'm calling attention too, but i'm not saying it's a huge problem, people just seem to be blowing my comment out of proportion in defense of the game (i don't mean you).

"I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the horse myself, so I had my girlfriend watch the video a few times. My girlfriend was a competitive rider/show jumper, and grew up on a farm with lots of horses, and she finds nothing wrong with the way the horse looks (except it looks a little gaunt, due to overly defined muscles) and definitely nothing wrong with the way the horse moves, except that it paced a bit when it transitioned from the walk to the trot."

You brought up RDR and your own "real life expertise," purely to instigate controversy over RDR, something you darn well know is almost universally regarded as some of gaming's best horses ever created. You just fueled the fire for no reason, and still are.

telling me what i do and don't know is a bit ridiculous. I am unaware of what others think of the RDRs' horses, but a quick google search found nothing praising them (not that i'm saying such praise doesn't exist, only that it may not be as well known as you assume). The closest i found was an interview with a member of the development team at Rockstar games who states "the same amount of thought went into creating the game's various steeds as its human protagonists". I hardly find this impressive when i found the character animations (especially when running) to be awful.
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