Some Crysis 3 Multiplayer Thoughts

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:25 am

Hey guys!

Wrote this article detailing what I think Crysis 2 multiplayer did right and what Crysis 3 could improve upon. Think it's pretty neat!

Woud love if you guys checked it out, maybe dropped some ideas, get some discussions going! Anything I missed?

"In celebration of Crytek’s recent Crysis 3 announcement, we’re going to take a look back at the multiplayer of Crysis 2 and determine what needs to carry over and what needs to go. Of course, we here at MP1st care about multiplayer and we want to make sure Crytek blows us away with some top-notch Crysis 3 multiplayer..."
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Dan Wright
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:12 pm

I think they should review the melee and steath enhance (get rid, or give us a decent counter).
Would like to be able slide in amour mode ~ also as you've put in your article address the connection issues.

I like the fixed kill-streak rewards and the limited impact they have on the game ~ this along with the dog-tag collecting system stops CoD-camping.

Small range of weapons gives you time to play them all and level them up.
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anna ley
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:52 am

I too loved the way killstreaks were handled. You're right about the weapons though. It just seemed like one always became the go-to weapon in multiplayer eg. feline etc.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:27 pm

You should add something like Cephs vs Guys in Nanosuits or something. This would be a good chance for us to experience to be a Ceph so maby you should think about that. Add a little more Ceph troops for us to experience. This could be a whole different experience.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:32 pm

It just seemed like one always became the go-to weapon in multiplayer eg. feline etc.

Stealth enhance gives the Feline users the added advantage to get close (fast) ~ it's high fire rate makes it deadly close, it's not so great at distance. Approx 90% of the Feline users - use stealth enhance (on PS3).

Another example why SE should be reviewed.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:17 pm

I don't really like the idea of rewards for killing sprees. I mean if someone gets a lotta kills without dying the game should say "[player] is on a killing spree, someone kill that muthafcker already" :P
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:03 am

nice article. 100% agree about the killstreak system/dog tags, it was spot on.
maybe one killstreak higher could be nice say at 9 or 10.

if the orbital strike is in 3 i would like to have more time to place it and maybe control it.
if you die when you are in the middle of placing it(but don't get time to activate)the game should not automatically start it but wait till you respawn.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:59 am

That was pretty dumb :( You know, I was thinking, if the setting of this game is in NYC which is currently under a "nanodome," how would they call in orbital air strikes? Might have to change that killstreak in this case.
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Nicole M
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:52 am

Judging from what Crysis 2 offered, the multiplayer needs some serious attention.

For a start, the maps. Boy were those locations dull. Crysis is supposed to be a slick, futuristic sci-fi title; most of those maps wouldn't have looked out of place in a gritty film on 1980s gang culture. Judging from the few screens that've been released so far, Crysis 3 will have some fittingly jaw-dropping campaign locales; fingers crossed this translates over to multiplayer. Another problem with the maps was a lack of experimentation. What about placing in vehicles and power weapons, adding interactive objects, et cetera? Focal points add that much more strategy, and more importantly, they give players more stuff to do; Crysis 2 severely lacked in this department, having nothing but the core shooter gameplay.

Secondly, what about gametypes? There are easily ~20 I can list off the top of my head; 6 is a pathetically small number. If Crysis wants to be among the best in multiplayer (and I see no reason why it can't take the crown), it needs to beef up what's on offer. At the very least I expect it to beat Halo 3 in terms of gametypes. That level of customization would also be nice (we can't all mod).
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:51 am

That was pretty dumb :( You know, I was thinking, if the setting of this game is in NYC which is currently under a "nanodome," how would they call in orbital air strikes? Might have to change that killstreak in this case.
it was annoying when you were forced to waste it.
very true about the nanodome so we probably wont see it in 3.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:35 pm

That was pretty dumb :( You know, I was thinking, if the setting of this game is in NYC which is currently under a "nanodome," how would they call in orbital air strikes? Might have to change that killstreak in this case.
Perhaps CELL have designed the Nanodome such that it allows orbital strikes et al in and out? Either the material phases into something that lets objects pass through, or reshapes to form a hole through which stuff can enter? Or maybe the Nanodome is brought down at the end of the campaign, and MP takes place in this time frame. Or there are airborne weapon platforms inside the dome and the 'orbital' (obviously they'd have to be renamed) strikes come from this.

My point being, if Crytek want to add orbital strikes, I'm sure they'll find a way.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:41 pm

^^^that is also true, the dome could be made from nano glass like compound in c2.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:23 am

For Crysis3 Crytek needs to give Console gamers servers or a server, this way it will make it fair for all people playing the game and it will do away with lag.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:24 am

For Crysis3 Crytek needs to give Console gamers servers or a server, this way it will make it fair for all people playing the game and it will do away with lag.
*Do away with host advantage. If a player has a crap connection, lag's gonna happen, regardless of whether the host is a player or a dedicated server. The best server in the world can't help if the info it's being sent is plagued by packet loss.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:24 am

I agree but people playing the game with a person who has host advantage svck and i see the only way to deal with such an issue is Dedicated servers. I must say i hate it when somebody pulls out and the game has to look for somebody with a good enough connection for the game to continue :(. Battlefield 3 does not have this issue and they should learn from other sister companies under EA such as DICE.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:01 am

I agree but people playing the game with a person who has host advantage svck and i see the only way to deal with such an issue is Dedicated servers. I must say i hate it when somebody pulls out and the game has to look for somebody with a good enough connection for the game to continue :(. Battlefield 3 does not have this issue and they should learn from other sister companies under EA such as DICE.
True. While dedis obviously cost, big games make serious money and I'm hopeful EA see it as a worthwhile investment. If Crytek do expand their multiplayer into a full package, stuff like host advantage becomes an issue.

One possible silver lining is that Crysis 2's (relatively) low online population might make EA think dedis won't be such a large financial investment. The same thing happened with MS and Gears 3, after all.
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His Bella
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:29 am

I agree but people playing the game with a person who has host advantage svck and i see the only way to deal with such an issue is Dedicated servers. I must say i hate it when somebody pulls out and the game has to look for somebody with a good enough connection for the game to continue :(. Battlefield 3 does not have this issue and they should learn from other sister companies under EA such as DICE.
True. While dedis obviously cost, big games make serious money and I'm hopeful EA see it as a worthwhile investment. If Crytek do expand their multiplayer into a full package, stuff like host advantage becomes an issue.

One possible silver lining is that Crysis 2's (relatively) low online population might make EA think dedis won't be such a large financial investment. The same thing happened with MS and Gears 3, after all.

Anyway i hope they got to learn from the issues they had with Crysis2. All the small issue they had with Crysis2 Should be Ironed out and Crysis3 must be perfect, in this FPS market one must learn from their mistakes and produce a product of high quality. By the way the single player mode must be perfect no bags like in Crysis 2 hehe.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:46 am

If there’s one thing that I believe Crytek did admirably better than other multiplayer shooters competing with Crysis 2 at the time, it was the map design. Maps were laid out in such a manner that it rewarded those who were constantly moving and always quick on their feet. Little room for campers, there was in Crysis 2. Many maps also featured multiple levels of elevated areas which really kept players on their toes. The biggest plus of Crysis 2′s map philosophy is that matches flowed, which leads to my next point.
Disagree. Small maps lead to a cramped style of play. There aren't many options when it comes to multiplayer choices. Larger maps lead to more player choice of how to approach objectives, and make 'camping' matter less than any other method.

Also, having to actually run over to the enemy you just killed to pick up their dog tags in order to have it count towards your killstreak was just brilliant. This really helped to alleviate the “camping” aspect plaguing so many other shooters these days.
This point is just flat out false, 'retriever' allows campers do camp, if that is what they want. Especially considering that the rest of the power modules aren't all that great, and mobility enhance was nerfed.

Personally, I'd prefer killstreak rewards to disappear altogether. It makes no sense to me to give someone who has just killed several people a reward which allows them to kill more people. Bring large vehicle maps back like in Crysis; that way, if someone wants an airstrike, let them climb into a VTOL or chopper and be the airstrike.

I'd have liked to have seen you mention Crysis 2 more in the context of the original, rather than pointing out what it has over the 'competition' in the market. I personally just think that would have been more relevant. Still, nice write-up.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:53 am

I would rather they make separate maps unrelated and not recycled from the campaign. It would be much more badass that way..
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:15 am

Just one thing...

'retriever' allows campers do camp, if that is what they want. Especially considering that the rest of the power modules aren't all that great, and mobility enhance was nerfed.

Really? Mobility Enhance is still working great for me, nerfed or not. IMO it's easily more useful than Retriever.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:21 am

Just one thing...

'retriever' allows campers do camp, if that is what they want. Especially considering that the rest of the power modules aren't all that great, and mobility enhance was nerfed.

Really? Mobility Enhance is still working great for me, nerfed or not. IMO it's easily more useful than Retriever.

Like I said, it's a choice you have to make. The effects of energy enhance are no longer so potent that it is the de facto power module; as was the case initially. Tbh, the most objectively useful module is arguably the one which speeds up reloading.. assuming you don't have the FY71, and therefore don't need to reload often as you kill everyone ridiculously fast.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:08 pm

The thing that makes Mobility Enhance about the best power module is the fact that they put you in a fatsuit in the first place.

I mean look at it this way: You have superhuman strength, yet you have the endurance of someone who's been lying in the couch for five years straight.

And I thought they had some standards for putting people into billion-dollar nanosuits. :/

IMHO Mobility Enhance (keep this module, BTW) should SPEED YOU UP.
Because it makes no sense not being able to run all across the map in one go.


And Mobility Enhance should be exactly what it says, ENHANCE MOBILITY.
What better way to improve mobility than to make you run faster!

Perhaps even give the bonus of doing a roll when sliding! (Wee!)
^ "Crouch" While sliding? (Yeah, this would make sliding non-interruptable. But who does that.)

And DO NOT keep the "ouch I got hit now I must walk" system. It's stupid and useless.
Or well, it sure is useful at breaking the flow of the game!

As for stealth, well - it's a bit necessary (especially for shotgun users, because those exist o_O)
Because you die from 1-4 shots from the SCAR, THE VERY FIRST WEAPON YOU GET.

My point is, give us a big reserve of health, deadly running stamina, fast running and - oh snap, power mode is used! O_O

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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:21 am

The thing that makes Mobility Enhance about the best power module is the fact that they put you in a fatsuit in the first place.

I mean look at it this way: You have superhuman strength, yet you have the endurance of someone who's been lying in the couch for five years straight.

How long have you been playing? Since before the nerf? Because I can tell you that originally, mobility enhance made you never need to worry about energy from movement anymore. Combined with stealth enhance, you could cloak and sprint from the greenhouses to the top of the map on Skyline, and still be ready to switch to armour and fight when you got there. Ever since, it's not even remotely useful for that purpose (read:overpowered) and so people are better off simply focusing on either developing their camping game (which people cry about, but is a legit tactic) or work on general shooter skills such as getting better at hitting the head.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:04 pm

I think I got it just days before it was nerfed. But I definitely remember it being awesome.

The stealth part was definitely OP, the running around - not so much.

Of course it might've been OP compared to those that don't have it, however:
Imagine how it would be if "that" effect was permanent for everyone. ;)
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:37 am

I think I got it just days before it was nerfed. But I definitely remember it being awesome.

The stealth part was definitely OP, the running around - not so much.

Of course it might've been OP compared to those that don't have it, however:
Imagine how it would be if "that" effect was permanent for everyone. ;)

Personally, I would prefer everyone being able to sprint normally without limit like in the original Crysis, with power mode providing more speed, but for a shorter duration.

I'd also prefer that armour mode was the default and power mode actually required activation.. but meh.
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