Um... I have been continually checking my mod with Tesame to see if any thing changes apart from what I intentionally added - nothing obvious there.
I'm building my mod with only Morrowind.esm selected and Wrye's GMST Vaccine - I think the vaccine seems to prevent any dirt getting into the mod and all my tests so far are ok - but thanks for the warning - I'd not heard that before -
Well it's possible that's outdated information or something. I know I read warnings about it a long time ago... Heres how Morrowind Scripting for Dummies words the warning:
Note: Result field scripts are not compiled by CS. You may write any rubbish there and MW will not complain until the line is told by an NPC and its script is compiled on-the-fly. If the script is complex enough to worry about possible syntax errors, it is recommended to copy/paste its text into a regular dummy script and try to save it. That is more reliable than using the "Error Test Results" button, as it can change preset values of global variables. On the other hand, the fact that resultbox scripts are compiled at runtime may allow some interesting effects, like addressing contents of another mod without duplicating it in the current mod, which can't be done with conventional scripts (Forum info / Kir).
But on the other hand, as long as you look at your mod with the Details window, TESEME, EE or whatever and verify that there are no odd global variables in there, I guess it's fine.
it does seem the dialogue editor wasn't built with consulting the users first - it's a little clunky.
I know, I guess from Bethesda's point of view the editor didn't need to be polished as much as a typical consumer product since the game was what people were paying for. Of course that's true, but I it still would have been nice if they'd thought about us poor modders a a little more.

I've never used the references persist selection before - the door is in the same cell as the receptionist - um once the door is unlocked will it relock itself? If not and i wanted to lock a door again via dialogue would the result box be MyDoorID->Lock ?
Yes it would, except for Lock you need to put a lock strength after it. e.g. [spoiler]
MyDoorID->Lock 50. References Persists is normally needed when a script refers to anything it isn't attached to except an NPC. But that's partly just to stop the editor from complaining when you compile the script. Since this is dialog, not a script per se, I think you'll be okay, if the door is in the same cell the game shouldn't have an trouble finding it.
Of course... the only way to be sure is to try it.