short stateif ( GetPCSleep == 0 ) returnendifif ( state == 20 ) set state to 0; reset for next time returnendif;DREAM OF SEDUCTION...if ( state == 0 ) if ( GetJournalIndex CT_Amelia >= 18 ) if ( GetJournalIndex CT_DinnerDate = 24 ) if ( GetJournalIndex CT_Dreams = 1 ) PlayBink "CT_Mephala1.bik" 0 set state to 10 endif endif endifElseif ( state == 10 ) player->PositionCell 3426 3692 12115 337 "Dunhaven, The Captain's Table Lower Level" "CT_Mephala"->PositionCell 3349 4003 12115 138 "Dunhaven, The Captain's Table Lower Level" WakeUpPC MessageBox "You sense someone or something is watching you, trying to pretend that they are Amelia. As you struggle to shake off the dream and stumble to your feet, you feel yourself panting for breath." "Ok" Journal CT_Dreams 2 set state to 20endifend