I'm enjoying Fallout 4 much. But yesterday I've got the feeling that the xp for some pursuations and finished quests were like base xp values. Normally I got Xp like 27, 17, 279 and such wild stuff, but yesterday I got sometimes 200 or 20 or 25 XP.
I've followed the main quest and did the dialog with the newspaper girl and the major. The XP reward for pursuation seems ok. Then I visited her and answered her questions and got 200 XP! Normally I dont see zeros in the xp values.
I've played some more, killed raiders and build up my settlements and the XP seemed to be all right again but after I followed another quest (2. cabot quest) the reward for a dialog and finishing the quest was weird again.
Could it be that some dialogs and quest rewards don't include the intelligence bonus?