I`ve played new vegas for a good cuple of hours, finished main quest line and ..i feel something is missing but what ?
Better graphic ? ..of course, making a new game with old engine is not really good thing but i dont mind
Beggers ? First thing that cach my attencion in fallout 3 was this guys begging for water , they are fallout icon and shud not be removed just changed
Radio ? ..in times of war you dont need some guy telling you "i love you all", this is not GTA ,whats going on here - revolution ? revelation ? somebody farted ?
(politics is what really fuels the player ,radio is another Fallout icon, but its wery bad)
Death Claws ? ..another icon yes, they got stronger and its only good thing for now
Bad guys ? ..Legion looks to me more like heroes than really bad guys, it needs to be more realistic faction
quests ? "Ghouls Question" ...is the name of the quest line ..and the leader of that evil empire has a problem with them
Slavery ? Thats nothing new in fallout, another icon too- "evil empire" hunts for ghouls , exposes them to hard work and starvation
many try to escape but they are stoped by flame trower units and dogs
"Final Solution" ? ..after ghoul colapsses and can not work anymore "empire" soldiers dont shoot them on spot, they thaking them somewhere ...?
....you can gues now where this is going, it will be revealded later ...Empire exposes them to wery high radiation, some of them die, some goes feral, one of hunderd becomes a glowing one
they using them as a wepaon of course , and your task is to stop them but it wont be easy
I know this scenario sounds familiar and may not be accepted by some nations... :rofl: , but @#$% happens, and after all ..war newer changes
, sorry for bad eanglish