so I am sorry if this is not allowed in this topic or already excist but I couldn't find any topic like this here or elsewhere so..
I have a couple of idea's for a update/next TER
1. mods on the xbox , I prefer console gaming over pc gaming but the mods are badass and can only be done at the laptop ;l I know that you can get mods trough steam so I qeuss bethesda doesn't mind the mods? well then , lets put them on the xbox I say
2. becoming jarl/high king. in a next TER I dont have any idea what a king there should be called but admit it , it would be badass to be the highest king or to be any king at all am I right?
3. divorce option .-. I married camilla because well.. I didnt really hought trough it , but now im stuck -.-' cant divorce her because I cant remarry also it would come in handy if bethesda would let you change the armor of your wife because I cant change camilla her outfit.
4. like if you bought the heartfire DLC ( I know this one would be pretty impossible but it would be badass) that you can revisit skyrim , walk to where that house was and a guy walks up to you , gives you a book that the last dragonborn (you in skyrim) wrote starting a line of qeusts about finding out what happend with your character in skyrim , like if you joined the dark brotherhood that the empire got ya ass something like that? with as reward , your previous house in heartfire
5. becoming a deadric prince! so in oblivion you kill a deadric champion , in skyrim you become a deadric champion. So how baddass would id be if you can be able to be a deadric prince? have like a demora army . a house in your own realm.. and just like the deadric princes cause mayhem under the mortals ^^
I am terribly sorry if you cant understand wat I am saying or if I made some spelling mistakes , english is not my primar language ;p
well , glad to hear more idea's or comments on mine?