Some important questions before my team moves fwd.

Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:59 pm

Yeah not enough room in topic title for the full "forward" word. Sorry :smile:

So I have a small team of modders, and we have been planning a pretty large mod for some time. We were originally going to do one in Skyrim, but then thought that we would wait, since the editor for Shadowrun Returns looked really promising. Well those devs lied about what they were actually delivering with their editor, so here we are back at Skyrim.

Some background: Most of us modded Oblivion and Fallout 3. We don't have any substantial experience with scripting in Skyrim like we did in those games. Papyrus is a mystery to us. We plan to learn, and expect a lot of questions posted here, from me, in the coming weeks and months.

We are purely in the planning stages right now. We're determining the size and scope of the world, the specifics of the story and its plot points, etc.

This is not a normal quest mod, it is a conversion. I want to convey to you ahead of time that this is indeed a separate campaign with its own story and world. That will help some of my questions make sense.

  • First of all, can someone point us at resources that will help people understand and learn Papyrus scripting, especially those who already understood scripting back in Oblivion and Fallout?
  • Can you determine which character the player starts as, without giving them the ability to customize their look? As in, a set, specific character? I assume yes, but it's worth the asking, and I would also like any advice on how to specifically accomplish this. What would I need to edit?
  • This will not prevent us from telling the story we want to tell, but it would greatly enhance it: Is it possible to change from one character to another? E.g., We start you off as one character, and then partway through the game, your perspective shifts to that of another character? If so, how would this be accomplished? A spell similar to Werewolf form? Or is it possible to (through scripting) change the gender and body sliders of a player character?
  • How does one build a world map? The majority of the content will take place inside a single city sprawl, that will in turn be split up into several separate zones, like the Imperial City in TES IV: Oblivion. Is it possible to create a world map for such a place? And how is LOD handled and created so that large structures from one area can be seen in another? Also, if a specific building is disabled in a zone, will it be reflected in the LOD? Will its LOD disappear as well, or not?
  • Lastly: How does a team of modders share workload? As in, we know there have been teams before that have all worked on the same project. How is this divided up? How would we work on what is essentially the same mod, independently of one another? For instance, perhaps I am building one sector of the city, while my friend is working on another, and another person is building a dungeon. I know others have done this, at least I believe so.. so how is this done?

That should be all my questions for now. I deeply appreciate any answers, and thank you. :smile:

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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