Really enjoying the game but there are a few things I noticed very early in the game. Tbh I didn't really check other threads so I don't know how known these are. I am running on an HD 7970. I noticed a few things (loving the game. again, these are just the negatives):
- Very buggy audio when spectating (like.. silence.). I asked if anyone else had this during the match, and someone replied that they had the same issue.
- When aiming down a sniper you constantly get the message "Press V to toggle aim modes" in your screen. That's very annoying to me. Maybe show it the first few times but after playing for 20 hours I think people get the point.
- Killcams feel very buggy to me. For example if you kill like 3 people in a single spree of 5-10 seconds, it will cut all those 3 kills in separate scenes. Also the transition between killscams is a little buggy (match highlights, at the end)
- Rounds seem to be VERY short for a lot of game modes.
- Spectating camera is horrible.
Hm well actually I guess that's all for now

Btw does the running FOV still reset? Because that doesn't seem to happen to me. I have an autoexec.cfg with the following, and it never seems to reset FOV or anything like that:
g_skipintro 1
cl_fov 65
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetfov 65
r_drawnearfov 65
r_VSync 0
sys_maxFPS 60
Also I'm having this personal issue that is really bugging me. If anyone has the time or interest in helping me I'd really love some help with the following: