Some module balance suggestions.

Post » Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:25 am

Ive put a bit of time into every module since ive been playing and a lot of them are extremely underwhelming.

Great concept but when put into practice it just isnt good at all. I would suggest these changes..

Tracker - Tracks enemy footsteps within 25m, updates every 0.6 seconds
UPGRADE II - Footstep direction tracks
UPGRADE III - Doubled track updates, 0.3 seconds

Tracker - Tracks enemy footsteps within 25m, updates every 0.3 seconds
UPGRADE II - Footstep direction tracks
UPGRADE III - Shows the footsteps of Cloaked players

The concept is a little odd for this. The first two benefits suggest the players keep Maximum Armor on as much as possible but thats going to get someone killed more than it will save them.

Armor Enhance 0.5x Energy Consumption
UPGRADE II - +25% movement speed in Armor Mode
UPGRADE III - Immune to Nanosuit Jammer Bonus

Armor Enhance 0.5x Energy Consumption
UPGRADE II - +25% movement speed in Armor Mode
UPGRADE III - Increases mitigation from 35% to 45%

Good concept but the numbers are a little weak in my opinion.

Cloak Tracker - Creates particles on Cloaked enemy within 20m
UPGRADE II - Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 7 seconds in radius
UPGRADE III - Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 5 seconds in radius

Cloak Tracker - Creates particles on Cloaked enemy within 20m
UPGRADE II - Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 5 seconds in radius
UPGRADE III - Causes enemy Cloak to flicker after 3 seconds in radius

What are peoples opinions on the current module balance and these suggestions?
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