ok, here's my story. I'm actually quite a bit into the game, playing as a level 8 gun build with points heavily invested on guns, speech, repair and science. problem is, i built my character based on my experience with Fallout 3 and soon i reached my bottle neck. i have several questions which i would like to have answers for -
1. where the hell are all the rifles that are supposed to be the bread and butter of the guns build? i'm already inside Repconn fighting nightkins and the only rifles i come across regularly are varmints. beyond that i have exactly one service rifle (which also svcks) i got at Mojave Outpost. so, wtf? i remembered finding my first chinese assault rifle in Fallout 3 within half an hour and those guns just kept coming so maintenance was never a problem... at this rate, how is the guns build supposed to hold up in New Vegas?
2. another thing i didn't expect is how effing rare the science skill is actually put into use in New Vegas. so far i came across no more than 3 computers to hack. needless to say, it doesn't help in opening locks AT ALL because, unlike in Fallout 3, virtually all locks can only be picked. the only reward i got so far for pumping up science is getting ED-E. so, what's happening here? is science going to helpful in the long run or what?
3. besides guns and science, what other things that are very crucial in Fallout 3 but less so in New Vegas? for example, VATS seems to be less useful now, and many guides have suggested skipping Agility and VATS perks as a result. true or bogus?
4. last but not least, is there any news on a possible 1.03 patch? the game definitely needs another patch.
that's it. thanks for your time.