Some objectivity requested

Post » Thu May 23, 2013 5:35 pm

With all the hate and trolling against Skyrim, demagogues using impassioned rhetorics and slanderous lies to gain negative attention are there any flaws, faults and errors which makes Skyrim objectively a bad or worse game compared to the previous ones?

Is there anything people can point out with 100% accuracy, without adding any personal or emotional bias, subjective view points, which is not a lie but clear unvarnished truth which makes Skyrim inferior, "svcking" etc?

I really appreciate when people do me the honour of thinking, so only add things that are nonoptional but obligatory and only if you have actually considered the hows whys and thereofs why a thing has been altered, removed or added in comparison to previous games.

What the consequences are and what the consequences for retaining the earlier version would actually mean.

If the same issue or problem can be found in the previous games and claiming Skyrim is inferior because said previous games didn't have said problem then that "argument" is invalid.

Can we find real examples of actual decrease in standards and quality of the Elder Scrolls series in Skyrim?

I can honestly say that yes, Skyrim do have real problems which has nothing to do with subjectivity, reasonclouding passion, weasel/buzzwords, trolling or other unconstructive things.

I wish to see those problems brought up and discussed in a constructive, dispassioned, objective and mature way.

Can we all act like rational. reasonable, mature advlts?

I am sure I am not the only one who would enjoy that.

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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 4:27 pm

Opinions will always be stated first in the minds of most people then facts will either be brought in or left out. No one can "prove" anything as it's all based off experiences and opinion.

Quality decrease? Doubt it, in fact it seems like a nice step up from its predecessor. But that is based on my observations since I've never played Oblivion and I'm basing it off a few things I heard from various sources.

Don't make a complaint thread about complaining. A discussion stating you wish it to be reasonable with facts would be fine but your post sounds like a complaint about complaining.

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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Thu May 23, 2013 6:07 pm

Skyrim is a game, and in my opinion the game is great, and TES games keep getting better. I started with Morrowind, went to Oblivion, and now Skyrim. Could some things be fixed? Yes, but that true of each game. As far as comparisons go, it's always going to be a matter of each player's opinion, and the answers to your questions are going to be just that, opinions.

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