first I wanna thank you Crytek for producing this well polished Crysis 2

Many things I disliked in Crysis 2 MP are fixed or balanced!
I just hope there won't be so many hackers like in Crysis 2..
Yesterday I've tested the Beta and now have some questions about gameplay:
1. There's a seperate bar for nanovision, the energie consumption is fine BUT can someone tell me if it has unlimited range? seems to be like and it`s way to overpowered..
2. I don't know what the attitude "Stability" for weapons means.. any idea?
first i thought it's how fast you can sprint with this weapon but.. that leads me to the third question
3. is it possible that in sprint mode you always have the same speed with every weapon? no difference between LMG or SMG for example? is it the same mechanic with mobility enhance? then mobility enhance+LMG would be way to overpowered..
Hope someone can help me with my questions