Some questions about houses

Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:20 am

1. Ok so I build a house and have some questions. You need a whole lot of Iron to build all the nails and hinges etc. How long does it take for a mine to respawn the materials?

2. Where can I mine the other material that you need for the locks(forgot the name), and the quicksilver ingot you need for the alchemy table?

2. I build a fisher. When I click on to activate it, a menu came us, like I was going to throw something in. Does that means I have to throw in fish there in the first place to get it to work?

4. So far I build the house, the main hall with the cellar, the alchemy building and the planter. I have plenty of beds in the house, but will I need to add bedrooms as the third and last expansion if I want to adopt kids or can they sleep in the 2 single beds I have in the second store in the bedroom?

5. As for the planter. I have a garden outside too. IS there some plant I might be able to grow inside in the planter that I can't grow outside or is it just a question of getting more planting spots?

6. Is it possible to arrange thing in the shelves by yourselves? Normally you can just unload stuff and it fall around you in a random order. I noticed the monters can be opened and closed, but I couldn't put anything in there.

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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:06 am

1. If you leave a cell and do not return for at least 10 days, an ore vein should respawn. You don't have to rely on ore veins for your iron, etc, as vendors such as the various blacksmiths sell the raw materials and ingots. However, I am unsure on an interior cell that you have cleared (and is labelled as 'cleared' on your map), as those generally take 30 days to respawn - this may also apply to the ore veins in those particular cells.

5. Planter...? You mean greenhouse? I think the purpose of the greenhouse is less respawn time on harvested ingredients - any plants and flowers grown in there respawn within 48 hours for you to harvest once again. I haven't got that far on Hearthfire, but I recall it coming up in other threads.

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David Chambers
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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:51 am

You don't need to add the bedroom if you have the two small beds upstairs. You can adopt kids with those.

The mines usually respawn in 10 days.

Quicksilver can be purchased from vendors. I can't recall off hand where a mine is. Ebershard mine near Riverwood has iron ore, as does the bandit hideout near Whiterun.

If you give fish that you caught to the fisherie, they will appear in the water.

Arrnaging things on the shelves is possible, but if you leave your home for 10 days, the things you removed will respawn.

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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:45 am

To use the display cases, just drop your item/items on the floor, leave through a loading door, return, pick it up by holding the interact button a bit longer than usual, then arrange it in the display case. Press the interact button again to let it go, close the lid.

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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:36 am

In my one home there's me; my wife; my Steward; my Bard; sometimes my Follower; and my two children.

That home will of course require the additional bedroom. :shrug:

But if there is just you, your Steward and your Bard - there are enough beds for that.

So you can build a Greenhouse! Or even a tower...

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:29 pm

I'm working through the exact same building process right now. There's a quicksilver vein next to Battle Born farm outside Whiterun. I also built a fishery. If you throw in salmon roe, you get salmon, but no more roe (that only comes from salmon that are swimming upstream to spawn so you have to catch them in the various rapids; try upstream from Riverwood or Windhelm). If you throw in slaughterfish eggs, you get more slaughterfish eggs, but no slaughterfish (at least none that I could see). If you throw in fish, you get more of the same.

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