1. Ok so I build a house and have some questions. You need a whole lot of Iron to build all the nails and hinges etc. How long does it take for a mine to respawn the materials?
2. Where can I mine the other material that you need for the locks(forgot the name), and the quicksilver ingot you need for the alchemy table?
2. I build a fisher. When I click on to activate it, a menu came us, like I was going to throw something in. Does that means I have to throw in fish there in the first place to get it to work?
4. So far I build the house, the main hall with the cellar, the alchemy building and the planter. I have plenty of beds in the house, but will I need to add bedrooms as the third and last expansion if I want to adopt kids or can they sleep in the 2 single beds I have in the second store in the bedroom?
5. As for the planter. I have a garden outside too. IS there some plant I might be able to grow inside in the planter that I can't grow outside or is it just a question of getting more planting spots?
6. Is it possible to arrange thing in the shelves by yourselves? Normally you can just unload stuff and it fall around you in a random order. I noticed the monters can be opened and closed, but I couldn't put anything in there.