Feel free to expand on your choices! Especially how you roleplay and if you have any personal rules you apply.
Feel free to expand on your choices! Especially how you roleplay and if you have any personal rules you apply.
I've just started my first "proper" character after having played twenty hours to get used to the game, therefore I am updating my response and adding in my votes for the new areas.
I'm playing on Normal. That may go up as I level up and get more powerful perks and weapon mods.
I definitely roleplay. I try to make decisions based on my character's knowledge and feelings. I use limited metagame knowledge to know things such as what kind of perks I want to take, what SPECIAL is required for them, and the fact the Bobbleheads will give me an extra SPECIAL in each area so I don't "waste" any perks, but that's it.
I save very often. It's a habit from a decade of gaming where any kind of bug could trip you up at any point. It's not so bad now I'm on PC because I can console my way through most bugs, but I grew up on consoles and that option wasn't there. many saves with redundancy backups was the only way to safely preserve progression. It's a habit that I have no intent of kicking.
I guess I'm mostly roleplaying Neutral/Good. I'll help people where possible rather than deliberately hurting for my own gain, but it doesn't stop me being mercenary like and trying to get the best I can out of helping people either.
I fast travelled on my first experimental playthrough but now I'm playing a "proper" character that I'll be heavily invested into I won't fast travel at all (unless I stumble across an in-universe explanation). I don't even Wait. I like to experience every moment of my character does. Just for the record I voted "No" here.
Besides my experimental character I'll realistically only have one "proper" character. While it would be nice to try different ways through the quests realistically I won't have the time to invest in that manner. I voted one here as my experimental character doesn't really count.
Difficulty Normal. I alway try the game out at it default settings. I am old and crap at games now. But I plane to started another games on a hard or very hard setting.
Yes I RP. I have been a table top RP form the late 1970's. I think it make the game more fun. I will say RP a lot more fun with a online game. But it still fun.
I try and save a lot that whole old and crap thing. But I get to playing and forget half the time till some thing really bad happens. And then I end up with a old save.
Like with the RP above. I will pick out what type of character I am going to play and do it. I am more likely to play a good character. But I have fun playing a evil one as well. I am likely to play both along the way. I do not find being neutral as much fun and am not likely to do that at all.
I have pre order and played all of the fallout games from the started and This one has not been a let down to me at all. I can not wait to reach the end and then find some fun mods and do it again.
Difficulty Survival, figured I'd jump in at the deep end. Was the right choice.
I don't RP.
Save every few minutes, but I've not had a crash at all yet.
Playing a neutral guy I guess.
I haven't figured out -how- to roleplay in this game. I've been given a pretty clear background which I'm currently playing according to.
Dead-is-dead is going to be fun I think, but that's not going to be one of my playthroughs in a long time.
playing on HARD. seems right for me ATM.
i dont know what it might mean to RP. i am this dude who's looking for his son. im on board with that. but im acting as I would act and have a character that looks like me so in a sense i am RPing as myself im sarcastic by nature so i use this option often in dialogue.
i do want to RP more in a sense that i need to drink, eat and sleep and do other mundane things that the game gives me no reason to do other than play pretend. i'll wait for mods for that since i prefer to have gameplay benefits to what i do.
i dont always to the moral thing though i mostly do. just not 100% of the time... maybe 80%. so i picked neutral. i take the same approach in dialogues as well - sometimes i am nasty, though mostly nice.
I play on hard. I find it to be a good balance between being both challenging and yet reasonable with enemy encounters.
I'm always into role play with my characters. Have had a backstory for my current one since before the game's release, and I think I already have a basic idea as to where his story will go and how he will develop as a character.
I save excessively and reload almost just as much. A lot of times in dialogue when I choose an option and constantly think "no, my character wouldn't say that" and reload to choose another.
I don't try to aim for any sort of "karma" for my characters but I can say he is quite neutral at the moment. The fewest lines he has ever said are the positive ones, while he mainly says neutral and sometimes the negative ones if they're reasonable and not making an ass out of my character for no reason.
lvl 39
no roleplay
reasons? dunno, just the way i play
I'm an Xbox guy. My first Beth game was Morrowind, then Oblivion. FO3 was the first game that gave me the option to remove the HUD and I loved it. I also disable the ambient music for immersion; it just seems more "realistic" and I don't like the music cues alerting me to danger. No HUD also makes you have to heighten your situational awareness, as well. I did play New Vegas thie same way plus hardcoe mode and I wish certain aspects of that had been retained. Not necessarily arbitrary meters, but some kind of true incentive for playing to...survive. (I'm not far into the new game because of kids, but if those elements are there, I'm not aware of them yet.) A thing I still wish Beth would do is make elements of the HUD toggle-able. I don't want/need health or compass on my screen but I would like subtitles when the HUD is off.
im been playing non stop since i got it, man i been loving the game. Choose survival looking for a challenge and i got it, i got kick my ass around alot really i dont care make me enjoy alot more the game.
Im not super immersive when it come down to gameplay, like i will not use fast travel. But at the same time i just eat to recover heal or if i dont sleep i dont care. =P i been having a blast trying to keep everyone happy on my settlements lol and when i hit that point where u going crazy i just "save" (this are the special kind of saves) and kill everyone.
No Roleplay
Evil on survival mode would really be impossible. You need to have a good balance between what's best for you out of every situation which often leaves you being forced into being a good guy in order to avoid a gang of settlers or losing a potential trader/doctor/etc. If I was to roleplay; my character could be described as a British gangster who has a tendency to develop alcohol addiction. But, give him a sniper rifle, ask him to look after your settlement, and put a safe or computer in front of him and the job gets done.
Me too man, me too.
Normal. Playing good... mostly.
I've played so many RPGs with characters that have fully developed stories and voices that this is actually a welcome return to a form I'm used to. I've no problem roleplaying right along with all of it. So, yes, I do RP.
edit: I save all the time.
For those that play on normal to "get accustomed to" the game... Its more detrimental to start out on an easier mode and switch to hard than it is to play hard from the beginning. Obviously, if you're not planning on spending excessive amounts of time on a game, you wouldn't put it on the harder difficulties, but playing with that intention of learning your limits, it has to be done in the right setting. When you make that switch, it makes what was once a potentially reasonable solution a little less reasonable or extremely impractical. If you've ever played Halo on its harder settings, you'd get the idea because guns blazing and ignoring cover is better than fine on normal, but suicidal on legendary.
I have been playing on survival DiD so far. But now after my 4:th character has permanently died (at level 15) I plan to start over on hard.
I love the challange, but since I also want to try to roleplay I find it hard to do survival with DiD without just trying to focus on combat / protection skills and always having chems as backup when things go to badly.
At least 3-4 times it have been total luck that I made it to level 15 hanging on to a few healthpoints
Normal (as I do with every character played in every Beth game. This one's a lot harder at Normal so far, though. )
Save constantly.
Depends on how you define "roleplay". By the standards of the super-RP-dudes around here, not really. But I do pick a general outlook/alignment/attitudes for my characters before I start an RPG and try to stick to making choices that support that. I don't do things like LARP that I have to make camp each evening, eat a meal at meal times, etc.
I'm playing more as a polite character than a good one. I only use the sarcastic responses to someone I really dislike. They have adopted the response wheel from Mass Effect and reduced it dramatically. I'm not a fan of the limited options, but the wheel is no big deal.
Yeah, the wheel itself isn't a huge deal, but the decision to map responses to arrow keys/d-pad (i.e., no more than 4) is a bit of a shame. (Heck, Bioware manages lots of options on a wheel via a "more" choice. But their dialogue is still paused, I think the real issue is the attempt at a live-action dialogue system. A lot of design choices feel like they stemmed from that.)
Normal difficulty.
I don't roleplay in the sense that I make my character eat something three times a day, sleep for 8 hours, put on different clothing depending on the weather/location, etc. I roleplay in the sense that I self-insert; how would -I- react to these things, not how someone else's character would act.
I save when I remember/am about to quit a session. The autosaves do a good enough job at this point.
I play good morality.
I do fast travel.
I tend to only play one character....even if it's one character across several playthroughs.
Didn't answer poll as couldn't correctly vote on two of the questions. =D
Also added a question about settlements!
The first time I play a new game, I always do it on EASY mode, since I want to get a feel for it and explore as much as I can, without getting frustrated.
Also, right now, I find myself spending more and more time in my settlement exploring all the build options. I clear out a new settlement to get the resources and then go back to building. I wonder if the BoS guy is angry with me, because I ignore their quest and rather spend time in my settlements. hahahaha
I try to RP my character, but it's a bit tough, given the fact that you know your whole history. I'm usually playing a good character, maybe with a touch of thievery... LOL