Some questions regarding creating a follower

Post » Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:05 am

Hi guys,

I have some questions regarding the creation of a follower:

  1. I made some custom dialogue options for my follower but when I ask her to be my follower the options don't appear. They only start appearing when I save after asking her to be my follower and load that savegame. What could be my mistake here?
  2. I don't want my follower to get health when she levels because I want to let the player decide which attributes she gets increased. I set her base and offset health to 50 just like her magicka and stamina (both don't get increased automatically like health) and I set the attribute weights in the class I made for her to 0. But the health still gets increases automatically when she levels. How do I stop that? (I even tried to force the health to 100 each level up with a script with ForceActorValue but that didn't work either)
  3. I know that the voice points from the class are for actors with shouts but what exactly does the number mean? How often they shout? How powerful they shout? The chance that they shout? How many shouts they can learn? I left it at it's default value (50) Any information would be helpful as is not really helpful in that matter.
  4. How do I give my character a home? Right now I have placed her in the Mixwater Mill Workerhouse, but when I dismiss her she will stay just where I dismissed her.

Any help is appreciated.


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Emma Pennington
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