» Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 pm
It all depends on your play-style. Figuring out what class you'd last longest as can help determine your race, because race bonuses may improve or hinder any given class. For example, a Khajiit can easily be a mage, but their racials are better suited to thieving and assassination. Arena and Daggerfall have a set of questions that you can answer to determine the class you'd most-likely survive as. I recommend doing those questions and once you've settled on a class, choose a race that will benefit said class.
As for the level thing, it varies. Depending on your gear, your class, your race, and your play-style, it could be almost anything between 2 and 20. I would suggest simply feeling my way through the game. If a dungeon feels too tough, level a time or two and then continue.
Arena uses the old experience points method for leveling. No matter what class you play, killing things makes you level. In Daggerfall however, they have a much better system of determining your level based on your skills, like Morrowind and Oblivion. If you're a thief for example, killing things won't help much, but picking locks, picking pockets, and sneaking around will increase your level. In Daggerfall, you increase your primary, major, and minor skills to level, but you should focus on the primary and major since minor and even misc skills need huge leaps to count much towards your level.