Some sort of DLC that includes raising skills to 120?

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:16 am

By the time we get near the end of Skyrim's life cycle DLC-wise, I think that most of us are going to have at least one "capped" character (by capped I mean 100 in every skill that the character uses with frequency) if not several. I'm concerned that many of our characters won't see much returns running the new DLC, unless the loot really is just that good or some form of alternate level progression is introduced. Of course, the first and/or second time through the content will be fun just to see what it is like, but there needs to be something that interests us when we're on our say, fifth character.

I think having 120 skill cap, new perks, and grandmaster spells would really give something for, and I can't think of any better term, "end-game" characters to desire in the DLCs.
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N Only WhiTe girl
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:10 am

Not at all. Seems like a rip-off DLC to me.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:45 am

What is this? UO? Are we to add to TES?

Might as well make every type of armor capable of providing the exact same AC, while you're at it.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:14 pm

Not at all. Seems like a rip-off DLC to me.

I'm not saying only raising the caps. I'm saying, when the fight is taken to the Aldmeri Dominion, which I'm confident will happen, I'd like to see said DLC include an increase to the cap and perks/spells to go along with said increase.

Might as well make every type of armor capable of providing the exact same AC, while you're at it.

Almost every character has the option to get capped physical damage reduction. I don't understand what this comment was supposed to mean. Also, I don't see how raising skill caps makes characters more similar.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:39 am

Nope. This game isn't about silly numbers. It's about enjoying the environment that our characters occupy. Changing the skill cap would do nothing for my enjoyment whatsoever. Anyone paying attention to those numbers must be bored out of their minds by now. All changing the numbers would do is make people complain more about how unbalanced everythting was and how easy it was to get to the new cap... very much a waste of effort.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:24 pm

if bethseda make a DLC that increases the level cap, all they have to do change how many skill ups are needed to gain a level. Currently once you hit lvl 15-20 it takes more than 10 skill ups to gain a level to the point that even at lvl 15 the oghma infinitum will only grant 1 level up not 3 like it really should going by 10 skill points mean one 1 lvl
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Isabella X
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:01 am

Nope. This game isn't about silly numbers. It's about enjoying the environment that our characters occupy. Changing the skill cap would do nothing for my enjoyment whatsoever. Anyone paying attention to those numbers must be bored out of their minds by now. All changing the numbers would do is make people complain more about how unbalanced everythting was and how easy it was to get to the new cap... very much a waste of effort.

If the game isn't about numbers, how does increasing the numbers hurt?

And it isn't a waste of effort. Plenty of people would get enjoyment out of it. Most of the people I know who play Skyrim already have their one-handed skill at 100 on their main character (those who don't, have their destruction or archery skill at 100). The only way they're going to see increases in their damage is if they get new stuff, some form of alternate level progression... or if they increase the cap. And it gives Bethesda a chance to rebalance... currently a lot of master level magic is pretty sub-par compared to expert level magic. This gives Bethesda a chance to introduce new Grandmaster level magic that is worth pursuing as a wizard character.

if bethseda make a DLC that increases the level cap, all they have to do change how many skill ups are needed to gain a level. Currently once you hit lvl 15-20 it takes more than 10 skill ups to gain a level to the point that even at lvl 15 the oghma infinitum will only grant 1 level up not 3 like it really should going by 10 skill points mean one 1 lvl

That would do absolutely nothing in terms of character progression. It would give you some more perks, but if you were at the skill cap, you are still at the skill cap.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:39 am

Raising skills to 120 is just fine by me as long as it's added onto legitimate DLC. Includeing it with an expansion pack would be the best way to do it. I'm not saying thats my preferance for improving my character though, what is really needed is more levels so that more Perk Points can be acquired. If balancing issues are dealt with, any way to continue leveling current characters is good in my book.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:14 pm

here is my idea/

you don't want to make it overpowered, but we deserve something for continued use.

so rather than archery going up 20 points more...what you do is it continues to level but at 1/10th. so when you use sneak 100 enough, instead of sneak 101, it is sneak 100.1 I don't even care if it shows up in skills, I just want to know that I am getting small incremental boost for constantly using a skill.

so, in this case, going from 100 to 110 would literally mean the WORK of going to 200 but with a tenth of the bonus. but still...a bonus.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:40 am

Raising skills to 120 is just fine by me as long as it's added onto legitimate DLC. Includeing it with an expansion pack would be the best way to do it. I'm not saying thats my preferance for improving my character though, what is really needed is more levels so that more Perk Points can be acquired. If balancing issues are dealt with, any way to continue leveling current characters is good in my book.

Raising the skill cap is the only way to add more levels without some form of alternate level progression. The current system of leveling works well enough that I would prefer Bethesda not resort to alternate level progression.

here is my idea/

you don't want to make it overpowered, but we deserve something for continued use.

so rather than archery going up 20 points more...what you do is it continues to level but at 1/10th. so when you use sneak 100 enough, instead of sneak 101, it is sneak 100.1 I don't even care if it shows up in skills, I just want to know that I am getting small incremental boost for constantly using a skill.

so, in this case, going from 100 to 110 would literally mean the WORK of going to 200 but with a tenth of the bonus. but still...a bonus.

I'm not saying anything about the leveling speed. As long as the levels exist, there's something for your character to progress to and that is good enough.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:25 pm

Almost every character has the option to get capped physical damage reduction. I don't understand what this comment was supposed to mean. Also, I don't see how raising skill caps makes characters more similar.

It was another Ultima Online reference. After the Age of Shadows expansion for Ultima Online, every single armor type was basically made to offer the exact same protections, so there's no reason to use anything other than Leather in that game.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:35 pm

It was another Ultima Online reference. After the Age of Shadows expansion for Ultima Online, every single armor type was basically made to offer the exact same protections, so there's no reason to use anything other than Leather in that game.

What does that have to do with raising the skill caps?
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:25 am

If we end up seeing four pieces of DLC like I think we will, I think a skill and level cap increase would definitely be useful.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:19 am

This is not World of Warcraft. Expansion packs and DLC do not require raising the skill/level caps in order to make the content accessible.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:27 am

Raise skills beyond 100 through natural means in an Elder Scrolls game? Preposterous!
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:05 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much rather have new skills with 100 caps than old skills with 120 caps.

I think they hinted at the idea of introducing new skills in DLC in some interview.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:08 am

I wouldn't mind dlc to reset perk points
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:20 am

Almost definitely not going to happen. Got a mod that kicks the skill cap up to 300 though. Could try that out if you're on PC. You'll need SKSE for it though.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:59 am

If we end up seeing four pieces of DLC like I think we will, I think a skill and level cap increase would definitely be useful.

I personally hope we see a bloodmoon, tribunal, or shivering isles dlc. If the devs feel like raising the level cap to 120 then fine.( this implemented into bloodmoon, tribunal, or SI type DLC)
But you got me worried that this dlc stands alone with no other content added. If the devs did this they would extremely be slacking off to the fanbase. ex: Courier's stash.
And I hope the devs plan on 2 dlcs 3 at the max to provide the most content available.
less is more. todd is also taking this to heart
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:10 am

I wouldn't mind dlc to reset perk points

Indeed, that could be a pretty useful addition.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:31 am

Just do it in the console. I currently have smithing of 200 for the purpose of getting some of the game's enchanted gear to legendary status. I figured I could do it the lame long way, or the fast easy way; I chose the latter.
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stevie trent
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:19 pm

Not at all. Seems like a rip-off DLC to me.

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Mr. Ray
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:26 am

I currently have smithing of 200 for the purpose of getting some of the game's enchanted gear to legendary status. I figured I could do it the lame long way, or the fast easy way; I chose the latter.


This doesn't have to with an official raise to the level cap. Modders can add all sorts of things to the game. Therefore no DLC should be created correct? No.

And I hope the devs plan on 2 dlcs 3 at the max to provide the most content available.

There will likely be at minimum three. I have a hard time believing, based on what the in-game literature says, that we won't be going to Elsweyr, Valenwood, and also Summerset Isle. The game has strongly been hinting those locations will be in the game and building up the Thalmor arc (just like Fallout built up the eventual conflict with the other Courier, and each of the locations had some backstory on the other Courier until the eventual confrontation). Without those three places, the narrative will be incomplete.

Unless the Dwemer are rolled into one of those locations, I also see them getting their own DLC. There is a time traveling Elder Scroll in Skyrim after all... given all other possible plot devices that could have been invented to learn Dragonrend, they chose specifically to have time travel? Especially when there's an ancient civilization that MYSTERIOUSLY vanished? And said ancient civilization were the ones who had control of the Elder Scroll? Yeah. Look at things from the devs point of view.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:29 pm

I'd really rather have new spells / weapons / armor added to the game. I don't think new perks are neccesary. Fix the one's that are present now.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:58 pm

increasing skill caps doesnt really make sense to me. the main things levels were for are perks. players want more levels so they can get more perks (typically). so instead of raising skill caps, have a couple of perk books so to speak, or learning a perk through a quest objective similar to the npcs that teach a skill point after doing a quest for them.
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