maybe some haven't yet been mentioned.
- sort by type (TYP), lists items grouped by base type eg pipe pistols/rifles, pipe revolver pistols/rifles, etc
- a 'hold' function to flag items in a follower's inventory to not be included in 'take all' (perhaps indicated by a hand icon)
- a 'junk' function to flag non-junk items as junk to be included in a 'store all junk' sweep, eg pre-war foods, unprocessed foods, etc (perhaps indicated by a trashbin icon)
- renaming an item to an empty string ("") resets the item's name to whatever the default name for that configuration would be, so it can be stacked with similar weapons
- display base item type (eg 'pipe pistol') somewhere on inspection screen, eg above installed mods list or in place of current label, so players don't have to eg unmod armor to see if its normal, sturdy, heavy etc
- unless there is a situation where the player may need to select 0 items using a slider instead of just cancelling, make the value of the extreme left of the slider 1.
- store holotapes separately from misc (or perhaps under 'data')
- a different button to exit (and enter, for simplicity) power armor (eg t), so items can be grabbed/moved without accidentally ejecting yrself
- different buttons for interacting/talking with and commanding companions (eg e and not e), removing the LOS restriction and need to find/look at companion to give orders. would have a maximum range (that could perhaps be increased with items, say 2-way radios or dog-whistle)
- add a function/key that can be held to rotate grabbed items with the mouse
- gun nut/armorer etc perks grant an increasing chance (up to 100% at max lvl) to yield mods installed on scrapped weapons/armor
construction/settler stations:
- scavenger station enhancement: the player activates the scavenger station and a list of materials that can be scavenged from items in the player's inventory and the local workbench (and any linked benches) is displayed, perhaps with the number of each commodity already on hand (eg Gold 20/100 would mean 20 gold on hand, 100 able to be scavenged). clicking a commodity would bring up a slider for selecting the amount to scavenge, and the result is moved directly into the local workbench. this interface could also be used to set the search/favourite flag for individual component types.
- have the recruitment beacon off when it is built, in case eg the player is just building it while they have the parts and does not currently wish to attract settlers.
- make some portion of fenceposts and similar 'buryable', like the supports for the wooden shack foundation.
- a button that can be held to prevent an object snapping to another object during placement.
- label autosaves as autosaves
- enable scrapping of the wrecked car and adjacent stand of trees at greygarden
- fast travel arrival point at west everett estate is in a radioactive hotzone
- phantom turret in listening post bravo (terminal says 2 turrets equidistant, found 1)
for getting to the bottom, a protip: prefix yr favourite items with '+' so they appear at the top of yr list. thx for reading.