Me and many mates of mine have been sort of building off each others hypes for Bethesda's new release. We have gotten together many times (not intentionally) to discuss some features there might be, or we would like to see in Skyrim.
Here are a few features we would like to see
- Long hairs for male, and female characters
- Dye-able clothing
- Customizable Armor
- Some sort of height decision in the character creation
- Scarfs (Long and flowing, and short.)
- Actual age difference
- Some others that I have failed to include.
- Customizable Tattoo's and Tattoo Locations.
- Npc's have to actually "look" for you if you attack them from a distance, they don't automatically know exactly where you are like they have a spy plane.
I am not entirely sure if any of these have been added yet, (Pretty sure long hairs for male and female characters have been added.. or at lease female..

With long hairs.... First off I am male, but for my characters in most games I usually make a rogue type character who is short with medium long hair which is spiky towards the back.
(This is a picture of what he would look like.. sort of. [wasn't sure how to post the picture itself, so i posted the link.])
Hopefully that gives you some sort of idea of what I'd like to see for some hairstyles.
Dye-able clothing.. I understand that might be difficult, due to the fact that there are probably many..many..... oh so many... clothes in the game already, but, it helps with immersion, and customization that many people love to see in RPG's. And by dye-able clothing, I mean different parts of the cloth could be dyed differently, like the emblem in a shirt could be white, while the shirt itself could be black, and the lining of the shirt can be white as well. (Sorry if this is already a feature

Customizable armor would be.. again a stretch. especially with armor. But with this I was thinking of being able to change for ex. On a suit of armor with emblems and ornaments everywhere, I would change a few ornaments and pieces to make them more suited for my character, maybe losing some weight in the armor, or adding skull ornament to my shoulder piece instead of the dragon ornament.
(This next one is covering Height and Age)
I strongly... STRONGLY recommend the height differentiation and age differences actually playing a factor in the game. I mean, Lets say I don't want to be a 30 something year old who is at there execution, lets say i want to play a scrawny 18 year old (who probably murdered tons of people.. cause I do that in game.) being sent to his execution. And while in game, if I am 18 or so, I don't want to have a crazy deep voice that scares children, I want to have a light maturing voice of a young man. (You know, the grunts you make... not really dialogue... but there voice all the same.) Just thought of something, Height should also play a factor in sneaking, and other things, like weapon splash range. (a short person wielding a sword would get less range, but would attack faster then a big person wielding a sword.) and etc. (Skills would eventually overpower that, but its a good idea.) And finally with height.. I would like to see it so not every wood elf female is the same height as her sister, or the neighbor down the street. which is where height difference would add much immersion.
Scarfs... flowing, changeable colors and designs.. (We are in fact in Skyrim, so I would guess scarfs would be one of the first cloths you added, i think it would be pretty sad to not have scarfs o,e,,, in the winter climates.... yeah...) nuf said.
I think I heard tattoo's already, but, I would like to see maybe, a tattoo that is made by me

And finally non playable characters have to look for where you are when you attack them from a distance, or while sneaking. (unless your right behind them, with a knife, and fail to kill them... in that case..... lol @ u.) And if you run away far enough out of there line of sight, they might look for you, but eventually after enough time passes, they will give up the search. (Until you pop up in one of the town [you were currently in] guards faces and they arrest you or ask you to pay a fine, or whatever the system will be in skyrim.
WELP..... that was a bit to much remembering what my friends said for my taste.. but oh well, I mainly got most of the ones I talked about, and I got a bit of the things my friends talked about.
So, thank you for your time.. if you read this far