[IDEA] Some thoughts about saving system

Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:38 pm

I've seen it was already been discussed, and I know that saveing system in New Vegas is not that good, but maybe somebody will like this idea.
Even with hardcoe mode, the game looks a little bit easy to me. There a lots of mods, that make it harder (battle rebalances, Arwen's Realism Tweaks, also we can adjust chances of finding useful items etc). But I find it that no matter how hard the situation is right now, I always can just reload and try again. So, when I see something badass (like, to say, I have a little ammo\stimpaks, and I see some large group of Fiends) I always save, try to kill them, if I can't - die, reload, and run away.
I know that it's not an essential thing and you can say something like: "If you don't like saving\reloading - just don't save reload" and there is truth in that, but it's just too hard for me and I always end up with "Okay, I save right now but it will be for the last time".

But enough with introductions, here's my idea:
While saving only in some particular locations sounds harsh, I came up with system I saw a long time ago in some Conan game - having items, that can save your game. In Conan it was some stones, but I think in New Vegas we can use holodiscs for such purpose.
So, when you picking up any holodisc with a message, you also receive "Holodisc" item in misc. section, and whem you use it, you can save game once. After one use, it disappears. Obviously there are not enough holodiscs in game world, so adding them to some vendors and\or in some leveled lists will be good.

Well, that's about it. I'm not a modder, and know nothing about scripting (gosh, I don't even know if this thing is possible), so I ask you, [Insert_Good_Modders_Name_Here] to tell me your thoughts about this idea and even (what if?) make a mod. As mentioned before, my knowlege of modding is limited, but I know a few things about Geck and try my best to help, in any way that I can.

P.S: Never typed so much text in English before (at least so much text that will be shown to the public), so forgive me for my English if it's bad (and I gotta feeling it probably is).
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