One thing every TES game has in common:
After I make my very first character, I am thrust into, not really a video game in the traditional, expected sense, but a living, breathing world (seemingly) that is unwelcoming and intimidating. After a few weeks of playing, when I start to realize how scripted and clunky everything is, the wonder wears off. And this is true for Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena.
However, I can keep myself immersed for months with that initial feeling of wonder still lingering in my head. One thing that Bethesda does really well is atmosphere. That fleeting, yet overwhelming feeling of pure immersion and engagement that you only get very rarely. Because a game doesn't just have to be well-designed to produce this feeling; it also has to be special.
I have to admit, Oblivion gave me that feeling, too. I shrugged off the pointer and kept nirnroot as my active quest and it really didn't phase me, much. There is nothing quite like running through the woods of Cyrodil in a heavy rainstorm, jumping over logs and dodging the strikes of an angry minotaur. Stumbling across an inn out of the dark and just staring up at that foreboding stone structure before you.
Of course, after you sneak your way past the innkeeper, seeing as you're strapped for cash, and prepare yourself for some well deserved rest... "cannot sleep in an owned bed."
Now, there were tons of stupid immersion breakers like that in Morrowind. But, why did it bother me so much more in Oblivion? We could go on forever and ever about all the little things that one game did better than the next, quests, travel, yadda, yadda...
But what's the point when there's a much more blatant trend apparent in these forums. People pretty much seem to generally prefer the one they played first. When a game makes the kind of impression on you that I described, especially when you're young (I think it's safe to say most people played their first TES game when they were under 18, let me know if I'm wrong), then the idea of Tamriel it presents will make an imprint onto your brain. And no one wants their personal Tamriel tampered with.
So maybe Oblivion fans are too distracted by physics and combat, and maybe Morrowind fans just like to wander around aimlessly, listening to cliffracers and asking everyone they pass for "a little advice" like some tool.
Or maybe it has nothing to do with the actual games at all.
I have to admit, I loved Oblivion until I started being reminded of Morrowind on these forums and it didn't really become unplayable to me until the first time I popped Morrowind back into my Xbox.
Vote in the poll and let me know if I'm right.
I was just playing Morrowind and I walked out of the Mages Guild in Vivec and looked at the smith across the plaza and was temporarily transported back to when I was 16. That's why I had to post this.