Now let me go to Crysis Warhead: here I have no idea what went wrong. The graphics were really bad when compared to the first game, and the 3rd person camera didn't do a good job either. 3rd person views, when going from first person are allot less immersive, and momentarily break the attachment you have with the character.
Now some multiplayer stuff
it would be a really good idea to have a ranking system in place that allowed us to increase our rep permanently and challene people of higher ranks individually. A one-on-one mode where 2 people fight for the "crown". You gain rep by playing through any type of multiplayer round and earning points. when your status is high enough you will be given a chance to take on the top ranking crysis player one-on-one, -at say, the end of each month- where many spectators will also be able to watch and talk amongst themselves.
I have many many more multiplayer stuff to add, but I will withhold info until another time .