It was a reference to Animal Farm because he was afraid that the Animals would take over his farm, and that they were more intelligent than previously thought.
Eh... that's a bit of a stretch. He just went insane after his parents attacked him because he felt that, since the two closest people in his life turned against him, he could no longer trust anything. His traumatic experience caused schizophrenia, which led to his suicide.
Animal Farm is about a totalitarian government oppressing its people by suppressing their freedoms and taking advantage of their stupidity.
I'm not really seeing a connection outside of 'both had animals and both had a farm.'
Oh, and if you want something else that you probably never found, I just found it recently (on the wiki, not even in-game), and that's after over a year of playing.

How the hell are his animals alive after all this time?
I don't know, but they are malnourished.