Some weird issues (too many mods?)

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:20 am

Hey guys,

I consider myself to be a reasonably experienced mod user (i.e. I have a basic understanding of how most things work), but I find myself completely unable to solve a couple issues I'm having with my current mod setup. I've finally built one that seems to work fine for me, but who knows how long that'll last, and there are still a few things I'd like to add, but then I encounter the two following problems:

Problem 1 (I find this one most confusing):
When I add pretty much anything (an extra .esp or .esm), "stuff" starts to go missing as soon as I load my latest save. By stuff I mostly mean textures and meshes, example: I load a save, walk around for a bit, switch weapons to my pistol (SIG P220 from CFW) and POOF: missing mesh! I start switching to my other weapons, and suddenly they all have screwed up weird texture errors. Also, the blood textures seem to like to go missing. Interestingly it usually happens exactly like that, the pistol looses its mesh and the other guns lose the textures (usually a variety of vanilla guns). Other symptoms include not being able to access the menu (if I press Esc, nothing happens, though if I die then the menu pops up immediately) and not being able to access containers (doors work fine though).

Problem 2:
Whenever I have 159 or more .esp/.esm's checked, the game crashes before reaching the main menu. It doesn't appear to matter which files are checked.

These are two problems I have never encountered before (although I'm not sure I ever had enough mods installed to encounter #2), even though I have used almost all of my current mods together before without issues (well, of course there were issues, as there always are with mods, but nothing like this). However, I did recently upgrade my system (replaced some broken parts, ironically the "broken" system could run FNV a lot better than the current new one), so maybe something went wrong there.

Some other infos:
AI is toggled on in FOMM

System specs (not really top of the line, but should run everything just fine):
CPU AMD Athlon II X4 640 4X3.00GHz
ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (can't seem to find the exact specs right now)

Load Order (currently working, I think):
00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]01  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]02  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]03  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]04  NVCE Main.esm [CRC: 4446358C]05  Companion Core.esm [CRC: B11162CC]06  IWR.esm [CRC: 5B668AA2]07  IWS-Core.esm  [Version 1.95] [CRC: 10251F01]08  CFWNV.esm [CRC: BEDEBF10]09  dangame.esm [CRC: 0B802063]0A  decwithreg.esm [CRC: 3E1EA0BC]0B  EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm  [Version 5.9] [CRC: BF5FDFB6]0C  FOOK - New Vegas.esm [CRC: 67419344]0D  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [CRC: 0D08CE0A]0E  Military Explansion Program.esm [CRC: DB96C6DF]0F  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [CRC: A22BEE17]10  MoMod.esm  [Version 9] [CRC: 008A7343]11  More Perks.esm [CRC: 28CE3B92]12  More Perks for Dead Money.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 129204A2]13  More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 25B6073B]14  More Perks for Old World Blues.esm [CRC: B980D0D2]15  More Traits.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 820E087D]16  More Challenges.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: A2512F1E]17  NVR-Strip.esm [CRC: 35B57DF8]18  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: EDE609EF]19  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 7F067E96]1A  rePopulated Wasteland.esm [CRC: 613090A2]1B  RobCo Certified.esm [CRC: 927B3174]1C  Run the Lucky 38.esm [CRC: E5E76299]1D  SpeedyResources.esm [CRC: 8675B201]1E  Tales from the Burning Sands.esm  [Version 1.22b] [CRC: 9BBED7A6]1F  War Never Changes.esm [CRC: 0AD08EE9]20  WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm [CRC: A847281B]21  Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [CRC: 43D90630]22  WME - Dead Money.esm [CRC: 961FD236]23  WME - Honest Hearts.esm [CRC: A8751383]24  WME - Old World Blues.esm [CRC: 7772DE15]25  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [CRC: 6E47E289]26  ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm [CRC: 4A926E28]27  iHUD.esm [CRC: C27E12AA]28  Lings.esm [CRC: BB01584F]29  D.E.I.M.O.S..esm  [Version 1.04] [CRC: 5B95C5A2]2A  DFB - Random Encounters.esm [CRC: C88F9C29]2B  Compiled Patch.esp [CRC: 9089B159]2C  Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 9F0AD9DD]2D  Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 63D1B242]2E  Compiled Patch - OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: 1ED2CAB6]2F  DarNifiedUINV.esp [CRC: E46691F1]30  CASM.esp [CRC: 0ECCEF43]31  Bobblehunt.esp [CRC: 21F84F03]32  IWR - Rebuilt.esp [CRC: C141CBD1]33  OFT_Base.esp [CRC: 77F21AAE]34  OFT_Base_Interiors.esp [CRC: 24ECDA95]35  Readius_NV.esp [CRC: 0AC823D4]36  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: FE0C836A]++  IWS-MoMod.esp [CRC: 59056307]37  AWOP-MoMod.esp [CRC: 2F4C2760]38  AWOPMonsterPatch.esp [CRC: 69557F7F]39  Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp [CRC: C45EFD99]3A  New Vegas Trade Center.esp [CRC: E0A1C31A]3B  NV Interiors - El Ray Motel.esp [CRC: F878EA60]3C  NV Interiors - West Vegas Fringe.esp [CRC: 55896B62]3D  NV Interiors - Cottonwood Cove.esp [CRC: 9707E8D6]3E  The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [CRC: CECE1646]3F  YangtzeBunkerPlayerHomeV1_5.esp [CRC: 844630ED]40  NVR-NPCs.esp [CRC: DEAE3309]41  NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp [CRC: 26497B8A]42  NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp [CRC: 76823485]43  NVR-Version_10.esp [CRC: 5697ABBB]44  NVFR-NVR-NVTC-Version_2.esp [CRC: 6E2AA5A5]45  FOOK - New Vegas.esp [CRC: B862AE7F]46  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [CRC: 96C66DB8]++  FOOK - Lings.esp [CRC: 3E65B8D9]++  CFW-FOOK-DLC.esp [CRC: F69D1E9C]47  HarderThan.esp [CRC: F09F08C4]++  Hardened-MoMod.esp [CRC: 2CBB01D1]++  Hardened-AWOP-MoMod.esp [CRC: 3B00D3D4]++  Hardened-AWOP-MonsterPatch.esp [CRC: 3EC87A2F]++  Hardened-AWOP.esp [CRC: E311E0A3]48  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 3D8693B2]49  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [CRC: C411EBCD]4A  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: BDDDB872]4B  HarderThan-PN.esp [CRC: 793C9733]4C  Machienzo-RadioNewVegasFixv11.esp [CRC: BBDCF94F]4D  SecretStash80.esp [CRC: 8D77C43E]4E  Dog_City3.esp [CRC: 41AA24C4]4F  Express Delivery.esp [CRC: 3337C047]50  Goodsprings Filler.esp [CRC: 52E822F2]51  Machienzo-Behold The Riches.esp [CRC: 96EDC3F0]52  NewVegasBounties.esp [CRC: A5BD47FE]53  NewVegasBountiesII.esp [CRC: C41E42E0]54  QRhymeRenegade.esp [CRC: 93369CEF]55  TheCollector.esp [CRC: 33A02DB6]56  War Never Changes.esp [CRC: 8F3403A3]57  More Perks Update.esp [CRC: 4C00D831]58  More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp [CRC: A81558CF]59  More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp [CRC: 41021A32]5A  More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp [CRC: AC5227F6]5B  More Traits Update.esp [CRC: 9F7996D9]++  More Challenges - Original Challenges Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 60885396]5C  NV_STTraitsandPerks_Crunch - NVSE.esp [CRC: 7B4C0198]5D  qSkillPerks.esp [CRC: DD7F0F69]5E  qSkillPerksDLC01.esp [CRC: AAB83AE6]5F  qSkillPerksDLC02.esp [CRC: D0D92266]60  qSkillPerksDLC03.esp [CRC: A54E164B]61  IWS-Core-Patrols.esp  [Version 1.95] [CRC: A8BC0E37]++  IWS-Core-Guards.esp  [Version 1.95] [CRC: 5A5D3FAC]++  IWS-Core-Civilians.esp  [Version 1.95] [CRC: 0DABC4E6]++  IWS-AS-MedSpawns.esp  [Version 1.95] [CRC: 8E51E366]62  Dire Contraptions.esp [CRC: D4193584]63  BinglesMeleeComplete.esp [CRC: 057F5548]64  SCAMP - Scrapping Clutter And Making Parts.esp [CRC: 839EB2E0]65  Masada S New Vegas.esp [CRC: 5F569838]++  HHType3tribalhands.esp [CRC: 187B214E]66  JRougeRangerCoats4Loot.esp [CRC: 12A8ED54]67  Tailor Maid - NV.esp  [Version 6] [CRC: FB5EC0D7]68  VegasOutfits.esp [CRC: 4C10ABAD]69  w44Satchels - Lite.esp [CRC: DEBD75DB]6A  WastelandNecklaceCollection.esp [CRC: 6DE2338A]6B  NVCE DLC01.esp [CRC: 66446DD8]++  NVCE DLC02.esp [CRC: E133A33A]++  NVCE DLC03.esp [CRC: 82CE445F]6C  Caesars_Legion_Overhaul.esp [CRC: 68DFF996]6D  SunnyCompanion.esp [CRC: B6DAB011]6E  dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [CRC: F952686A]6F  NVDLC02 Extensions.esp [CRC: 7BD0B15A]70  Imp's More Complex Needs.esp [CRC: DCF94369]71  IMCNNV - HUD and Hotkeys.esp [CRC: D80F2D6B]++  IMCNNV - GS Filler Patch.esp [CRC: 9779749B]++  IMCN-Tales.esp [CRC: 61F49A3E]72  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: B2189109]73  XtraSpecialNV.esp [CRC: 07DA6920]74  XS Skill Training.esp [CRC: DD54260E]75  WME - FOOK.esp [CRC: 76217071]76  AG Supplementary Uniques WME.esp [CRC: 0F331797]77  AG Supplementary Uniques-Dead Money WME.esp [CRC: 0343F7DC]78  AG Supplementary Uniques-Honest Hearts WME.esp [CRC: 485B447A]79  AG Supplementary Uniques-Old World Blues.esp [CRC: 3FDA16FC]++  WME - AWOP.esp [CRC: E8CBD0A6]7A  Project Nevada - WME.esp [CRC: BC51B676]7B  WMR_WME_R.esp [CRC: 89CFFCE9]++  WME - FOOK DLCs.esp [CRC: 8B1BF9B0]7C  EVE FNV.esp [CRC: DA6EBB58]7D  OFT_HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 8B6EB010]7E  OFT_HonestHearts_Interiors.esp [CRC: DE8889B4]7F  Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp  [Version 5.5.4] [CRC: 5502593A]80  ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp  [Version 1.1] [CRC: 778BF373]81  ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: 32AF6D43]++  ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: DBC9AA70]82  ShilohDS-Desert Succubus CORE.esp [CRC: 042FD090]++  merged patch.esp [CRC: F610BB8E]83  Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: E51DD0C7]

The merged patch is created with all mods active in FNVEdit, the bashed patch just merges all mergeables.
I use the NVSE 4GB enabler.

Also, I'm using NMC's small texture pack.

I would be greatly indebted to anyone who can offer any insight into this issue. If I anyone can help me, I sincerely promise to do my best to repay the favour by helping you on these forums should you ever be in need of assistance ;)
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patricia kris
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:18 am

Simple things first, have you tried toggling AI in fomm off and back on? Sometimes even when its toggled on, some things won't get noticed until you refresh it like that. On a somewhat odd note, do you ever freeze when loading? With even 40ish mods that happens to me every now and then. With that many mods I am wondering if that happens more often.

Finally, I could have sworn that using bashed patch and merged patch at the same time was a no-no. For the life of me I can't recall why though. Anyone else have any thoughts about using both of those?
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:58 am

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, I've tried simply toggling AI on and off again a couple times, but I don't believe my problem is related to AI, since textures and meshes aren't always missing, they just "go AWOL" after a couple of minutes.
I do have freezes when loading, but it doesn't really happen often enough to bother me. Also I hit the CASM save button pretty often, so I never lose much progress when it does.

I don't really know what the merged patch does exactly, but I was under the impression that the merge function of the bashed patch simply imported records to simulate the merged mods being active at their respective place in the LO. I only use that function of the patch, to keep the number of active mods a little smaller.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:24 am

Simple things first, have you tried toggling AI in fomm off and back on? Sometimes even when its toggled on, some things won't get noticed until you refresh it like that. On a somewhat odd note, do you ever freeze when loading? With even 40ish mods that happens to me every now and then. With that many mods I am wondering if that happens more often.

Finally, I could have sworn that using bashed patch and merged patch at the same time was a no-no. For the life of me I can't recall why though. Anyone else have any thoughts about using both of those?

I use both seemingly without any issues. I will not however, bash one of my merged patches.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:55 am

Not sure it'd be Archive invalidation or not, in any case when you fixed/upgraded your pc did you reinstall the game?

Reason i ask is this, when i reinstalled FNV (through steam) it worked fine however all the default .bsa's had their timestamps(?) changed to the date installed (is that normal for steam) rendering Archive invalidation useless as any mod that had changes dated prior to when i installed were 'out-of-date'. Resulted in missing textures/meshes/sounds and various tweaks all over the place till i realised what was happening.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:05 pm

I did try a reinstall after installing the new parts, didn't seem to fix anything. My .bsa's are all timestamped to 01/01/2006, I think BOSS does that and I believe it's in order. Anyway, since meshes and textures aren't always missing instantly upon loading a savegame, but go missing a couple of minutes in (I think cell changes accelerate the issue), I don't believe the issue is at all related to stuff not being loaded properly. It's more like things just start breaking for no apparent reason. Still can't figure out why I can't access the ingame menu or open containers in addition to having missing textures and meshes.
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Daddy Cool!
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