» Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:59 pm
I mean wtf guys? give the developers room to breath and work at fixing the problems! stop rushing them. You guys think its easy to program things? especially video game programming, well it isn't. So give them time to work guys be patient, or you can always go back to that ugly mess known as "Call of Duty" that $60 map pack, thats been riding the same engine since the epic COD4.
Cheers and ease up.
I agree that people shouldn't be losing their tempers on the board, but I think you are under the impression that these posts carry more weight than they do.
First of all, if you knew about the process of making a patch, testing it, and then having to let both Sony and Microsoft approve it before it can go live, you would know this patch was made BEFORE the game was released. The people complaining on the boards did not make them rush it out.
Second, the people at Crytek are not losing sleep when another day passes with there still being no fix to their game. I am sure they care, but it is not a constant worry on their minds. People who have worked in the video game industry this long know to expect lots of knee-jerk reactions from people, as well as immature stupidity like "UR GAME SUXXX!!!!!!!"
Most people who make games for a living do like games and, therefore, want to make a good one. But in the end, it is a job to them. If there is a problem, they will work to fix it, but they will not get upset with themselves because a bunch of immature people with so much time and nothing to do that they just go on message boards and complain 24/7.