You're right, it is canon.
Hmm, since the changes of Morrowind are being justified by claiming an 8 year old Arena is outdated and no longer canon, may I now claim an 8 year old Morrowind is outdated and no longer canon? Therefore, Oblivion is more canon than Morrowind, right?

My problem with Oblivion being criticized isn't that it's being criticized. I agree with many of the criticisms. I want more skills, more equipment slots, no level-scaling, and a more creative world. What I hate is Oblivion being called non-canon and Oblivion fans being called casual action junkies. I am not nor have I ever been a casual action junkie. If anyone claims Oblivion is an action game, then it must be a very poor one. It is not Call of Duty in the Elder Scrolls universe, it is an Elder Scrolls game. Decent combat doesn't turn Oblivion into an FPS or an action game, and anyone who plays Oblivion as such is missing out on a lot, in my opinion. Oblivion may not have added as much lore as Morrowind, but when being introduced to the Elder Scrolls series through Oblivion, all the lore shown in the game is new. There are few games like Oblivion in existence. The only game like Oblivion, that I know of, is Morrowind. Arena and Daggerfall have little to actually do in them and are too much like DnD, Morrowind is the most original of all TES games. Oblivion, when compared to almost all other RPGs, is unique. Before playing Oblivion, all the games I played were either turn-based or games in which I only gave directions to characters instead of doing things myself. In Oblivion, I am my character. I can do what I want and actually feel like I am doing them. Only Elder Scrolls games have that feeling. The only reason I like Oblivion more than Morrowind is because I started with Oblivion. In terms of actual gameplay, I still love both equally. Morrowind and Oblivion are two games that I group together and they seem to be the only games that allow me to role-play exactly how I want to, by letting me choose what to do and when to do it while feeling like I am my character. They feel like second lives and RPGs unlike all others. Oblivion is not an action game, Assassin's Creed is an action game. Oblivion is the closest game to Morrowind in existence, and like Morrowind, it has its strengths and weaknesses. What I am wondering is what TES V's strengths and weaknesses will be. I am hoping it learns from the mistakes made in Oblivion, but those mistakes in Oblivion aren't enough for me to declare that Oblivion is the enemy of Morrowind. The two games are siblings.