What did you see in it? The graphics were garbage, the story was pathetic, the gameplay svcked, dodgy framerate issues and imput lag made for cheap kills and it got boring fast respawning miles away ar a fire and having to have the patience I havent got to try and attempt it again.
The only thing good is the difficulty and even that is extremely flawed and put in just for the sake of being hard.
Other than the frame rate issues (that are only extremely bad in one area), everything else you said is straight-up disinformation. The graphics set the brooding atmosphere perfectly, the gameplay is precise and responsive with zero input lag (when playing offline, otherwise may depend on your connection), the story is minimalist - as the game is more about the adventure than dialogue trees - which is fine with me, and the enemy respawns and difficulty are punishing but fair, as they should be.
I love games with a thick atmosphere and deep, rewarding gameplay, so I love Dark Souls, but what I enjoy the most is the feeling of a world in which real danger lurks in waiting for the unwary adventurer - in which you can wander into an area that you are totally unprepared for - because the world exists for its own sake, rather than being tailored (or level-scaled) to you, the player. I don't want to feel like I'm in a contrived, fake world in which everything revolves around me.
I only hope Skyrim features some of that same sense of danger.