» Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:24 am
Ironically this happened to me earlier this year when DA2 came out. I loved DAO and was very excited about DA2. But DA2 changed everything. I mean it wasn't even close to the original game. The player backlash from this is still being felt in the BioWare forums.
If the changes to TES V turn it into more of an action adventure game to satisfy the COD console crowd as opposed to a deep satisfying RPG experience, I will react. However, I have learned from DA2 that game designers will never admit they did anything wrong and will only point to anything good that can be said about their game. I really can't blame them for this as I suppose it is their jobs on the line, but it does make the gamer feel betrayed. It will however be the end of the franchise for me. Just like DA2 can't (or won't) be fixed I already know that Skyrim will stay as it is and no DLC is going to fix it.
I will come here, and voice my opinion. Not with things like "This game sux", but with well written (I hope) critiques of the game design and it's flaws. I know that it won't do any good and I know that the game developers will not read any of them. It is done more for me than for them to read. It's kind of like forgiving someone who has done you wrong, not for their benefit, but for your own.
Then I will go back and play a heavily modded Morrowind game.