» Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:48 pm
This is COD with nano suits and pretty graphics
Bingo. But C1 / Wars had better graphics.
You shouldn't be having problems if you are the one with 24 ping. The guy with 300 might look like he's standing still or walking without noticing you, but your client should be sending consistent hits to the server rapid fire, and the server should issue a kill to you. Its the guy with 300 that should sense he got killed with one shot. The only time high ping works against a low pinger is say someone with high ping shot you and you are behind a wall. You may die behind the wall, because he ( and you on his client ) are behind in time.
I have this problem in C1 at times too though ( but its usually because I'm at high ping because there are few American servers ). Still, Crytek needs to tell us EXACTLY how the data exchange is working so we can figure this crap out. Things don't seem right in C2, and I still wonder exactly how things work in C1 / Wars. They don't seem to go exactly by the norm. Supposedly, your client decides everything. But I think the server decides whether there has been a kill or not. That is probably why we can pump ammo into someone and they don't die at high ping. The client keeps sending hits but because of the long ping we have not gotten the death message back yet. I remember one sniper shot I took with the rifle at a guy who paused for a second. I saw the shot hit his head, and continued to just stand there for about 2 seconds. Then he jerked backwards and hit the ground. So, it took 2 seconds for the server to acknowledge the kill, and send the kill notice to my client. An eternity in head on combat.
Another thing that happens in this game is lag, where the server puts off whatever you sent it, while it deals with other people, and sometimes even packet loss, where the server loses your information.
Even at low ping, you can experience bad lag, which is probably what is happening in your situation. Also it could be cheats and hacks, as the guy above me said.
Another thing, which I don't know anything about, is supposedly at higher levels their is something called Maximum Armor, which gives you an above normal armor value in armor mode. Just more of that fun stuff when your lvl 2 and going against a lvl 40. Kind of like going against a tank with a Scar.