I just fired up C2, logged in, went into the MP, clicked "dog tags", and lolwut? 4 dog tag unlocks. I go into the unlocks section and I see more: 2 weapon unlocks ..... thats what I was missing... Sooooo... Is it just me, or did Crytek fix the "failed to award unlocks" bug?
We are currently working on fixing accounts with missing unlocks so this may be part of it.
Will need to obtain clarification from Crytek UK tomorrow but what i'm currently aware of right now is that level 50 accounts should now have all unlocks unlocked like they should be when the account is maxed out.
Whether or not this update reissues missing unlocks for < level 50 accounts will need to be clarified still.
Fire off the CryTek UK team. EA has lost a lot of money already from poor overall cash flow, in part due to sales, in part due to changes in the company. Look at their Q1 cash flow statement. Almost 150 million LOST in retained earnings. CryTek UK is just a multiplayer component company, and let's face it: they can't make multiplayer for sh*t. No serial protection until the SECOND patch, how do you screw up BASIC CD KEY PROTECTION at launch?
I feel sorry for Crytek GMBH because they probably had no control over opening up CryTek UK to a bunch of underqualified morons who need to go back to university for game design classes.
Unreal Tournament 3 gets a new beta patch almost every 2 weeks through UDNetwork listserv. Like CryTek UK will ever do that. Just shut the company down already, and move all GOOD staff and assets over to CryTek GMBH.
Well, I logged back in today and my latest unlock (Jaw) got locked again after changing it out for frag greanades. Tried to select it again and it says I need to unlock it. I was using it yesterday .