You do know that the game doesn't have to be THAT realistic right?
I won't say to myself "WOW! This sword should move slower under water!" In any case, you won't really notice it either, and it's a waste of time to add that kind of physics since we won't spend half the game under water.
I'll have to agree, I could fight slaughterfish and dreugh well enough with a sword in past games, and I'm content to keep things that way.
People must get very bored if they try swimming out that far.It's obvious really that there is not going to be anything that far out since the whole idea of the game is to play on the landmass.The title is SKYRIM not water world! This reminds me of the "tropical island" thing in GTA IV.
If your going to let people swim in your game at all, you should put something interesting in you need to reach by swimming, otherwise, there's absolutely no point to having swimming in the game to begin with, you might as well just make it so that characters die as soon as they get into water deep enough to submerge them, or make it impossible to walk into such deep water to begin with. It's not like anyone is saying we should put the focus of gameplay under the water, but to build a game with detailed land environments and giving players the option to swim under water while having the underwater environments just be completely barren and devoid of life except one species of fish is just lazy game design.
Though in Oblivion, it's true you'd have to be bored to try swimming out that far, because Bethesda took the lazy approach and didn't bother to put anything interesting out there.
Isn't stuff like this what the modding community is for? Bethesda allowing us to mod their games eased their workload a million-fold. You want something? Mod it in, or beg someone to do it for you.
By this sort of logic, Bethesda might as well not make an actual game at all, just release the engine and Creation Kit and let modders create stuff themselves, after all, you want something, just mod it in, right? You want a game? Just make one yourself. Also, when I buy a novel, I don't need there to be anything written in it, just a blank book I can write my own story in will do,
At the very least, by this logic, Bethesda doesn't need to try to make a GOOD game, after all, no matter what kind of garbage they give us, we can just mod it to our liking, right?