Something a LOT of us want, please read!

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:38 am

u dont want to use mods or the console because u consider that cheating but u want to completely repsec your character at the end of the game?

well to do this i would consider cheating even if u paid 100k!

but eh wateva floats ya boat!

all i can say is there is no solution to your problem on console!

have fun with your next character is all i can suggest!
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:32 am

OP, I hope you're ready for the tidal wave of people telling you that you're doing it wrong and how very wrong of you to even think about making a mistake/correcting it.

Oh, I see they're already here with the usual crap/misinformation and general vitriol.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 pm

All the hate over a topic that's been vitalized by people with experience in this game, please go hate somewhere else, i'm bringing a topic to help people, if you don't like helping people i can understand that because a small margin of you seem like you've had the world on your shoulders and if anyone were to make life easier on the ones who don't consider this to be the bible of Talos and if you do anything with the codes you're going to be sent straight to the gates of oblivion.. Well that's just fine and dandy, hopefully if this ever comes out you can come back to this post and spam your hate about how dumb this topic that ultimately ruined the game you play even though this system ALREADY EXISTS on PC. Seriously guys, Stop Trolling For Unicorns. -WickedShrapnel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:52 pm

Bethesda are very keen on immersion which is what I really like about their games. Your suggestion would completely ruin that immersion. For example a warrior who devoted their whole life to mastering fighting with a sword and shield would all of a sudden not know the first thing about fighting with a sword and is now an expert in wielding magic. It makes no sense to un-learn abilities.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:17 pm

lol trolling for unicorns!

how many people have u helped?

how did u help them?

whats your solution?

i need help please help me!

im just not sure what your trying to convey!

or is this a flamebait thread? sure seems like it!

anyhoo moving on! thx for the thought provoking moments!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:02 am

Bethesda are very keen on immersion which is what I really like about their games. Your suggestion would completely ruin that immersion. For example a warrior who devoted their whole life to mastering fighting with a sword and shield would all of a sudden not know the first thing about fighting with a sword and is now an expert in wielding magic. It makes no sense to un-learn abilities.

Last I checked the perk cap was pretty freakin' immersion breaking too.

You only need to 'forget' things because of the cap.

Wait, why am I even bothering arguing with people holding this viewpoint.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 am

I don't see what the problem is, even if they DID add in such a feature, you DON'T have to use it, I just want the option. I mean if you really want to talk about immersion, then they should remove the training features aswell, since it's not "realistic" to pay and get better at something... just saying...
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:31 am

All the hate over a topic that's been vitalized by people with experience in this game, please go hate somewhere else, i'm bringing a topic to help people, if you don't like helping people i can understand that because a small margin of you seem like you've had the world on your shoulders and if anyone were to make life easier on the ones who don't consider this to be the bible of Talos and if you do anything with the codes you're going to be sent straight to the gates of oblivion.. Well that's just fine and dandy, hopefully if this ever comes out you can come back to this post and spam your hate about how dumb this topic that ultimately ruined the game you play even though this system ALREADY EXISTS on PC. Seriously guys, Stop Trolling For Unicorns. -WickedShrapnel

Oh stop being so dramatic. First of all, spend less time playing this game and more time learning the joys of correct sentence structures because yours are hideous. Second of all, you created a topic that specifically said "please read!" in it. Did you not want people to read it, or only wanted people that agree with you? I think your idea makes no sense at all and I'm actually really thankful that Beth hasn't done anything remotely close to what you are asking for on the consoles. Clearly there are more important issues at hand. It goes without saying that if you want to be able to do things like that, you have to play it on the PC and use console commands. Simple enough.

Oh and by the way, you don't represent all console users. I'm on the Xbox and I personally think your idea is a huge waste of time.
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His Bella
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 am

I don't see what the problem is, even if they DID add in such a feature, you DON'T have to use it, I just want the option. I mean if you really want to talk about immersion, then they should remove the training features aswell, since it's not "realistic" to pay and get better at something... just saying...

Why is it anti-immersion to train in a skill? In the real world, people train all the time in skills with teachers, professors, tutors, et al.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:20 am

A few of my closest friends whom play this found this to be the only downer of the game, which isn't really one but it'd be amazing if such device existed, i haven't completely read the forums and unless you already plan to release this it's in no way a spoiler other than explaining that it doesn't exist. Here's the big deal, first time players don't understand the talent system completely, and to compensate for this people who do this normally play a second play-through to get everything they are looking for. A second play-through can be incredibly easy, but somewhat frustrating. So to correct this, I, as well as a large section of my gaming friends want a way to re-specialize your talents. it can cost any ridiculous amount of wanted, or maybe even a small amount of game credits, the bottom line is, people really want to have a way to drop the points they have and start over for a much better way of playing, or maybe change things up a bit.

Not making this out to sound like a "MUST" but if you (the gamers, or even GMs) were to consider making a "Re-Specializtion", Or "Re-Spec" It would be best if it were available before level cap, but not completely nesc. You guys have done a solid job with the first 5 scrolls, it's just this one thing is what keeps coming up in podcasts and discussions between my friends and I. Thank you for reading this! Bump if you will!<33

lol, first thread i saw about it :P just because ppl get use to wow and other mmo so will they want the same thing in here instead of playing the game as it is.

Make a new char when you decide what you shall put your perks in or wait until you deiced it, instead of: " no wait I dont want to be a warrior i want to be a mage, let me respec" I
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Austin England
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:22 am

To say "I hope they ban the modder who makes it" is the most ridiculous thing I've read on this board today, and that's saying something. Congratulations; you'd make a great politician.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:00 am

lol trolling for unicorns!

how many people have u helped?

how did u help them?

whats your solution?

i need help please help me!

im just not sure what your trying to convey!

or is this a flamebait thread? sure seems like it!

anyhoo moving on! thx for the thought provoking moments!

Ready for something you clearly couldn't solve with your pompous pony boy brain kiddo? (S)top (T)rolling (F)or (U)nicorns, Find the capitalization.. Oh what's that it makes an ACRONYM OHAI ACRONYM.

Currently, I've put up a few threads for a few common things that's happened.

I'm currently making a full scale beginners guide so.. We'll see how many people i help seeing i made my account a grand total of one hour ago.

You definitely need help, your grammar is absolutely horrid.

The point of this topic is to bring to the game that the consoles need a way to re-spec much like PC has, and you sir, have brought out the worst in me with the trivia of trolls, it's quite honestly a nuisance you realize this correct? trolling is for the most immature, a maturity i'm sure you know well.

Flamebait? This is a legit thread for a legit problem that needs a legit solution, now i'm going to ask you to get off my thread. Ty.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:17 pm

Why is it anti-immersion to train in a skill? In the real world, people train all the time in skills with teachers, professors, tutors, et al.

What I ment was paying for your skills to level-up. Sure you can only do it five times every level, but if you wanna be anol about it, it's immersion breaking, as how it's a "quick fix", I mean it does not bother me at all, I happily use them, but if you use immersion as an arguement for not wanting a "re-perk" option, it's pretty weak.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:56 am

I think there should be 1 (ONE) way to reset the perks.

And that would be.. wait for it... Ogma Infinum..

Add perk reset to reading that book.
You get a reset, but it's still meaningful.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:49 am

lol, first thread i saw about it :P just because ppl get use to wow and other mmo so will they want the same thing in here instead of playing the game as it is.

Make a new char when you decide what you shall put your perks in or wait until you deiced it, instead of: " no wait I dont want to be a warrior i want to be a mage, let me respec" I

I hope you've read other topics, i've already made a max, and i've played this game since Daggerfall, i've already rerolled, this isn't for me, this is me taking it into my own hands to help other people who've wanted this. So please sir, either understand the completeness of this, or get off this topic.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:02 am

lol now your getting abusive!!

hmm some1 didnt read the forum rules!
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:22 am

For me I think a whole re-spec is going a little far, I would like the oportunity to buy back that perk I put in lockpicking when I was young and naive but I'll just have to live with it :facepalm:

Prehaps have the chage on some kind of Log scale:

Buy back on perk = 100 gold
Buy back another = 10000 gold
Buy back another = 100000000 gold
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:28 pm

I dont realy have and problems about the perk system, I'm playing some sort of assassin and I'm level 33 now and I already dont have a place to put these perk points... So no problem on my side...:-)
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:16 pm

I think there should be 1 (ONE) way to reset the perks.

And that would be.. wait for it... Ogma Infinum..

Add perk reset to reading that book.
You get a reset, but it's still meaningful.

This was actually legitimately one of my first ideas, but then i thought it shouldn't just be this easy, there needs to be a large amount of cost for compensation of what you're exactly getting, rather than making it so easy.

Good to know there are people on this forum with a brain! :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:06 pm

lol now your getting abusive!!

hmm some1 didnt read the forum rules!

Telling you to be quiet, post elsewhere, and comment on your morbid grammar, there's no rules against that, i've read the rules, i'm a bookworm.

And there should be a rule about posting in clear readable posts rather than posting with numbers and symbols to represent words, advlts don't like to read kids scribbling on forums. - Edit.

One more thing, it's against the forum rules to be abusive, however, it's against the LAW to play the game underage. - Extra Edit.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:00 pm

This was actually legitimately one of my first ideas, but then i thought it shouldn't just be this easy, there needs to be a large amount of cost for compensation of what you're exactly getting, rather than making it so easy.

Good to know there are people on this forum with a brain! :)

u do realise people cant function without brains..right?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:09 am

Ty. Makes me feel like I am cheating -.- but oh well.


i don't find it cheating if i keep the same amount of perk points then i had.

ofc switching it over to money gaining perks to abuse it is indeed cheating. (like smithing, speech etc.)

but i also only use it if i wanna switch "classes" like pure mage, one handed, archer etc.

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:59 pm

The immediate problem I see is that you would have no skills high enough to put perk points into, because you need to raise that particular skill before you can unlock a perk.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:14 pm

u do realise people cant function without brains..right?

You do realise is dead, right?
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:03 pm

You do realise is dead, right?

I literally just rolled on the floor laughing.
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