lol trolling for unicorns!
how many people have u helped?
how did u help them?
whats your solution?
i need help please help me!
im just not sure what your trying to convey!
or is this a flamebait thread? sure seems like it!
anyhoo moving on! thx for the thought provoking moments!
Ready for something you clearly couldn't solve with your pompous pony boy brain kiddo? (S)top (T)rolling (F)or (U)nicorns, Find the capitalization.. Oh what's that it makes an ACRONYM OHAI ACRONYM.
Currently, I've put up a few threads for a few common things that's happened.
I'm currently making a full scale beginners guide so.. We'll see how many people i help seeing i made my account a grand total of one hour ago.
You definitely need help, your grammar is absolutely horrid.
The point of this topic is to bring to the game that the consoles need a way to re-spec much like PC has, and you sir, have brought out the worst in me with the trivia of trolls, it's quite honestly a nuisance you realize this correct? trolling is for the most immature, a maturity i'm sure you know well.
Flamebait? This is a legit thread for a legit problem that needs a legit solution, now i'm going to ask you to get off my thread. Ty.