Something a LOT of us want, please read!

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:16 am

The immediate problem I see is that you would have no skills high enough to put perk points into, because you need to raise that particular skill before you can unlock a perk.

That was what I thought too, but apparently we'll all be skilling up the trade skills, making god like kit then reskilling to fighting skills and pwning left, right and centre.


Probably people are also worried that we'll sneak in as a thief, do an epic sneak attack, suddenly summon two dremora lords the don full plate and start dual wielding axes only to spec back to pickpocket to haul the loot out.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:15 am

so after all the banter how do u propose to solve this game breaking problem u have described in the OP?
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bonita mathews
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:19 am

The immediate problem I see is that you would have no skills high enough to put perk points into, because you need to raise that particular skill before you can unlock a perk.

Thats why buying them back one at time is way to go. i.e I'm am skilled at one handed and I put all my perks into the sword side of the tree however I now find that I much prefer an axe and would like to move a point or two over there, I've not majorly changed my play style but have changed it the way I would like.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:30 pm

Do you feel more powerful than your friends, that's why you are asking?

The truth probably is that your friends have more to explore, and play. And ya just want to make them like how you played (started one character, and then 'max'ed another character).

There is no way you can get back to what they have yet to find. If they could just reset and be like you, they would probably kick you out of their squad!

(example: I watched 'Friends' the TV show in college back in 2001, and went to England. No one liked me in England 'cause I knew what happens in 'Friends U.S.'.)

Try another game to 'max' and wait for them to finish having fun. Friends always come back to play with ya.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:53 am

What I am playing at this moment and what I planed before I got this game. With this one I am only worrying about three skills which is light armour, one handed and marksmanship. Its like being an archer in Oblivion. That is how I going to play when I finish with him. Resetting to me is starting all over without restarting. I don't want to that. In Oblivion I had a witch hunter and she never touch a blade and her strength stayed on 30 whilst her agility is 100 and she capped marksmanship, destruction and conjuration. She is a very powerful mage. Next time I want to start this game in new I want to play as a mage and that is it. No changing my mind at level 30. I stick what I start.

This resetting is like driving a car in motion and I change my mind in a middle of a trip and want to drive a truck just went past with all the skills I learned from driving a car.

I will be updating this later. Need to count some zeds
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Timara White
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:30 pm

i dont want this and I DONT WANT YOU
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:49 pm

so after all the banter how do u propose to solve this game breaking problem u have described in the OP?

Here's a catch that nobody has seen, a gear strip, it's been my ace-in-the-hole kind of thing i've held back from initial trolling, if you are to do such a reset, much less if you are able to, all gear during each re-spec will be stripped of all armor and magical values, the cost from the re-spec would be great enough to make you not get all your gear right back up to par, so if you were to do it twice, say you were to make a pure blacksmith / enchanter / alch to make godly crap with no melee skill and use them towards your next re-spec, they'll be stripped of all enchanting and bonus armor, on top of that, if you are to sell them, unless you have a full scale way, even if you were to make it godly, to make an actual 100k gold of off merching your crafted items would go directly to waste towards the next re-spec. This is what single handily makes this whole possible future patch valued. The amount of overwork to even make a "fair share" would ultimately result in a trip up. To auto-correct this own wording, only items that were made during that spec will be stripped, so it's not like all your gear becomes bad the second you swap specs.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:34 am

i find it hilarious how this supposedly liberating classless system is getting more complaints about respeccing than oblivion ever did :rofl: .

It's because in truth classes never existed in TES before Skyrim. It was simply a meaningless label in your journal.
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El Goose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:15 pm

I'm not sure I like the World of Warcraft direction Skyrim has taken will "skill/perk trees" and talk about "re-spec-ing" and blabla.. Whatever happened with TES moto "you get better at what you do" lol?

Anyways, I think this will become possible soon by mods and probably also by DLC for the 360 gamers.

PS: Mods aren't cheating, it's just a way to alter the game to your flavour. It's a bit stupid to say that "well, i want to be able to do this, but i don't want to have a mod for it since that is cheating, i want the developers to do the mod and call it DLC so i can pay for it and it's official". Just my two cents :P
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Grace Francis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:37 am

i think this idea of respec really adds to teh whole roleplaying aspect, like when i get older im just gonna forget my trade and become a stock broker so i can retire with miwwions of dowars!

they should make that in real life it would be soo kool 4 kids!
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:47 pm

I'm not sure I like the World of Warcraft direction Skyrim has taken will "skill/perk trees" and talk about "re-spec-ing" and blabla.. Whatever happened with TES moto "you get better at what you do" lol?

Anyways, I think this will become possible soon by mods and probably also by DLC for the 360 gamers.

PS: Mods aren't cheating, it's just a way to alter the game to your flavour. It's a bit stupid to say that "well, i want to be able to do this, but i don't want to have a mod for it since that is cheating, i want the developers to do the mod and call it DLC so i can pay for it and it's official". Just my two cents :P

World of Warcraft didn't invent skill trees.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:58 am

i think this idea of respec really adds to teh whole roleplaying aspect, like when i get older im just gonna forget my trade and become a stock broker so i can retire with miwwions of dowars!

they should make that in real life it would be soo kool 4 kids!

Yes because nobody, ever in the history of man has EVER changed profession.

We're all, constantly picking up new books and getting a "maximum level" error in our brain preventing us from learning more.

/looks at quoted post spelling & grammar....

Actually, maybe you are.

Seriously, you question 'immersion' of changing perks when you SHOULD be questioning the immersion of having artificially limited perks. How can one logically reach 100 skill in smithing, but not be able to forge steel eh?
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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:50 am

Are you on Xbox gold and your friend is on Xbox silver or something? Nate-Matt?

I have limited knowledge, but it's like your buds don't get on to play castle crashers with you, so you power thru it. Just buy Bastion or something to solo play, and when the patch comes out you can invite him over to connect for the Skyrim patch to address all the issues.

I admire your momentum lol, but I'm not sure I understand yet your goal to have a game tell ya what to do.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:24 am

I'm not sure I like the World of Warcraft direction Skyrim has taken will "skill/perk trees" and talk about "re-spec-ing" and blabla.. Whatever happened with TES moto "you get better at what you do" lol?

Anyways, I think this will become possible soon by mods and probably also by DLC for the 360 gamers.

PS: Mods aren't cheating, it's just a way to alter the game to your flavour. It's a bit stupid to say that "well, i want to be able to do this, but i don't want to have a mod for it since that is cheating, i want the developers to do the mod and call it DLC so i can pay for it and it's official". Just my two cents :P

Though you only see world of warcraft, this is a very common tool for every major RPG that actually has a talent tree, a talent tree exists in everything from Age of Empires to LOTRO to Fable to WoW, it's everywhere, not in plain re-spec sight, though it's the commonality of this system isn't like there would have to be a major script, rather just learning from other mods that have existed in other games! If it already exists on PC it's not like it would be impossible to make it for console, which to whoever hasn't read the entire post and just start to jump in midway through, that's what this is focused on, console.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:15 am

Here's a catch that nobody has seen, a gear strip, it's been my ace-in-the-hole kind of thing i've held back from initial trolling, if you are to do such a reset, much less if you are able to, all gear during each re-spec will be stripped of all armor and magical values, the cost from the re-spec would be great enough to make you not get all your gear right back up to par, so if you were to do it twice, say you were to make a pure blacksmith / enchanter / alch to make godly crap with no melee skill and use them towards your next re-spec, they'll be stripped of all enchanting and bonus armor, on top of that, if you are to sell them, unless you have a full scale way, even if you were to make it godly, to make an actual 100k gold of off merching your crafted items would go directly to waste towards the next re-spec. This is what single handily makes this whole possible future patch valued. The amount of overwork to even make a "fair share" would ultimately result in a trip up. To auto-correct this own wording, only items that were made during that spec will be stripped, so it's not like all your gear becomes bad the second you swap specs.

I'm sorry but thats just daft - might as well just start over.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:56 am

Yes because nobody, ever in the history of man has EVER changed profession.

We're all, constantly picking up new books and getting a "maximum level" error in our brain preventing us from learning more.

/looks at quoted post spelling & grammar....

Actually, maybe you are.

lol grammer police i was hoping u wud lik3 that 1!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:58 pm

Are you on Xbox gold and your friend is on Xbox silver or something? Nate-Matt?

I have limited knowledge, but it's like your buds don't get on to play castle crashers with you, so you power thru it. Just buy Bastion or something to solo play, and when the patch comes out you can invite him over to connect for the Skyrim patch to address all the issues.

I admire your momentum lol, but I'm not sure I understand yet your goal to have a game tell ya what to do.

Thanks for the support i think? Ha.

Yeah, we're more of Ps3 kinda people. We have 160g so it's not like we ever have to experience that "lag" issue..

We normally do pod-casts playing Skyrim..

To finish this off, i've read over the skyrim patch and it doesn't cover either of my main two topics, which are why i brought them up in the first place.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:51 pm

I have no idea what my friend has played on Xbox console lol. That's because we can't comm with computer and Xbox (even though both are microsoft). We both bought Skyrim at the same time, and advanced our characters separately.

I would bet he has a filled out Celestial tree, and I have 5 points ready for what I want to play tomorrow. When we get together, we would probably play new characters for our relationship. It's a single player game, so it's really , really hard to make it fit in with your friends, because we are all different.

Respec just means your character didn't work. Starting over , you can build a good one! That's what you did (but a lot of us don't need 2 chances, the 1st one wins)

Just play with your friends, they will tell you to stop second guessing yourself and just pick stuff as it comes.

edit: Ah my bad! I didn't mean to sidetrack you from your goal. Just trying to share experiences equals D
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:04 pm

I have no love for respecing and would never do it. However, if people want to do it and were foolish enough to construct a God-awful character then heck let them. Give it a Lore-y reason, give it a ridiculous dudgeon crawl quest and make it ridiculously expensive in both time and items for example, collect ~20 X, destroy 3 magical weapons and pay 100k for a single perk reallocation.

Its a single player experience, why the hell do any of you care how people play it

and I personally hope they ban the modders that create a mod to respec.

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:03 am

Do ya need an ipod to get podcast? I'd like to hear 'em tbh!
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:26 am

I have no idea what my friend has played on Xbox console lol. That's because we can't comm with computer and Xbox (even though both are microsoft). We both bought Skyrim at the same time, and advanced our characters separately.

I would bet he has a filled out Celestial tree, and I have 5 points ready for what I want to play tomorrow. When we get together, we would probably play new characters for our relationship. It's a single player game, so it's really , really hard to make it fit in with your friends, because we are all different.

Respec just means your character didn't work. Starting over , you can build a good one! That's what you did (but a lot of us don't need 2 chances, the 1st one wins)

Just play with your friends, they will tell you to stop second guessing yourself and just pick stuff as it comes.

edit: Ah my bad! I didn't mean to sidetrack you from your goal. Just trying to share experiences equals D

The honest reason i even re-specced was because first play-through i put points into speech through to the end for the 1k bonus, as well as the lock-picking bonus, now that i've played with 2 1h Daedric axes and ripped enemies to pieces on master in a matter of hits, it'd just be nice to see what it'd be like with the bow and that slow time perk, honestly, my spec has always had the max alch/smith/ench tree to better my own gameplay, it's my spare 52 points i always get mad at myself for speccing things i don't need.. rather than being more focus based towards the main roleplaying behind your character.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:47 am

I hope you've read other topics, i've already made a max, and i've played this game since Daggerfall, i've already rerolled, this isn't for me, this is me taking it into my own hands to help other people who've wanted this. So please sir, either understand the completeness of this, or get off this topic.

I do read alot of topics and i still know the meaning of what it says. If you now are the feary godmother and are trying to help other ppl to max them or helping them to ruin the game or what ever they want to do even if they maybe dont even know of it yet, so start a req thread for a mod or ideas for a mod in that part of the forum.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:36 pm

i find it hilarious how this supposedly liberating classless system is getting more complaints about respeccing than oblivion ever did :rofl: .

Oblivion's system was just as classless, all the classes were was a little title on your character sheet. They could've done the same thing for Skyrim with no significant improvement to the game. The reason people want respecs now is because they added perks, and perks actually matter when it comes to defining a character, and aren't something you'll eventually have maxed anyway like skills in Oblivion. Major skills also meant nothing, the best way to build a character was to take skills you weren't going to use or could control your level ups with as majors.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:12 am

That defines you so well! When you put those points into Speech and Lockpick, that's what you wanted to used to garner control of the land. Later you figured out that a couple of blood covered axes could speak the same, and you wouldn't have to use those points! Now you want to pick some locks with your friends, and use your speech.

I totally feel ya, but most gamers don't go from the 'Gift of Gab' and 'Lockpick' skills, to wanting to respecialize and just kill stuff. I really , really recommend you try Bastion on Xbox Live, it has the more Action RPG game you are looking for! Your friends will catch up and surpass you
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:01 am

I do read alot of topics and i still know the meaning of what it says. If you now are the feary godmother and are trying to help other ppl to max them or helping them to ruin the game or what ever they want to do even if they maybe dont even know of it yet, so start a req thread for a mod or ideas for a mod in that part of the forum.

Do you grasp the concept of what this would do in the full effect? the amount of loss from this would be uncanny and unwanted by most, only people who truly knew they wanted to swap and had the pre-reqs to play differently could do so, the noobs of this game wouldn't be deep enough into the gameplay to actually matter if they were to re-roll, however, the seasoned people who'm made mistakes early on and are too far in to repeat everything they've already accomplished to change such a small switch..
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