Something a LOT of us want, please read!

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:20 am

i find it hilarious how this supposedly liberating classless system is getting more complaints about respeccing than oblivion ever did :rofl: .

Well, besides "what skills do you want to use", Oblivion didn't have any choices. And it had no consequences, since you could level every single skill up to 100+full perks.

Also, there's been 5 more years of people playing MMOs and ARPG/"skill tree" games (like Borderlands) that have trained people to expect that you can just redo your talent/perk/etc choices if some theorycrafter over on MMO Champion discovers that shifting one point from column A to column B will increase your DPS 0.1%. :rolleyes:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:59 am

Is Kinect actually cool on Xbox? 'cause last time I tried singing on the Rock star games, my tune was off with the mic, and we got more points by putting the mic up to a static speaker next to the tv set mono output

(off topic, but I never meet many xbox gamers lol)
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:16 am

game would be to easy if you could respec, all you would have to do would be:

throw all points into black smithing, alchemy, and enchanting (maybe speech for lower prices)
make uuber gear
respec now putting those points into combat skills

This is the reason a respec should NOT be allowed. Great post, NO RESPEC!
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:21 pm

Is Kinect actually cool on Xbox? 'cause last time I tried singing on the Rock star games, my tune was off with the mic, and we got more points by putting the mic up to a static speaker next to the tv set mono output

(off topic, but I never meet many xbox gamers lol)


I think the topic should be change to " Something very few of us want because we don't wanna start a different character we just wanna god-mode it"
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:38 am

This is the reason a respec should NOT be allowed. Great post, NO RESPEC!

Yeah, you let me know just how high you get your WEAPON skill by crafting.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:00 am

This is something PC players can already do and is seemingly not causing any problems for PC players. I haven't really seen complaints about the remove perk console command breaking the game. You could of course abuse it in various ways, but it'd be as obvious an exploit as TGM.

People put a lot of hours into some characters, it'd be a shame for them to be stuck with either living with their poor perk choices(which could easily not be their fault, considering how vague and lacking in real information the perk descriptions are), or restarting.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:52 pm


I think the topic should be change to " Something very few of us want because we don't wanna start a different character we just wanna god-mode it"

lol my thought also!
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:19 am


I think the topic should be change to " Something very few of us want because we don't wanna start a different character we just wanna god-mode it"

someone mention being able to spend vast amounts of money on buying the perks back like in borderlands as someone else mentioned , i think that would be the most decent solution.....would give you somthing to spend a bunch of gold on though i does kinda ruin the point of a second play through but theres always just starting over another charachter or making a seperate file....good to have options i guess :intergalactic:
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Karl harris
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:31 am

I thought the "Level 50" is just the "World" cap (The point at which you get the best Leveled Rewards and fight the Strongest Leveled Monsters), with leveling becoming slower as you're forced to level up otherwise-unused skills to continue advancing.

And as far as "perk respec" goes... I wish there was a Standing Stone or some kind of shrine in the wilderness that let you re-spec a single perk point once per level, no rollover. This allows you to correct perk assignment "mistakes" without allowing you to completely redefine your character. Being forced to either play with a knowingly-gimped character, or start over because you misspent 1-3 perks out of over 20-30 (and then some) total perks is not fun and aggravating as hell to put up with.

Here's a personal example of why we need perk-respec:
My character is a level 20 Khajiit, with perks in Two-handed weapons and Archery, with another perk in Block, and two in Destruction. I don't want those destruction perks, because I can't use them: I thought it would be cool to be able to use dual-casting to turn "Flames" into a face-melting conflagration (Instead, it turned into a magicka-draining tickle-laser). I've invested several weeks into this character, and I don't want to have to waste those weeks of gameplay just for those two perks. It's not like I'm completely re-defining my character. I just want to correct an early mistake.

And could people please stop with the "It's great for Replay Value" [censored]? No, it's not. Radiant Story is great for Replay Value. The sheer number of possible character types to make is great for replay value. And yet, Skyrim is one of those games that doesn't even need any replay value: If anything, it, like Oblivion, is best to play no more than 3 times (3 playthroughs is ~ 900 total Hours of gameplay).

In fact, replaying Skyrim devalues the experience, causing the level-scaling, limited randomization of the quests, and lengthy intro-sequence to become more aggravating.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:28 pm

OP and others joining him.

Just stop this.

Its against the whole concept of TES and I personally hope they ban the modders that create a mod to respec.

While I don't care if we get a Respec or not (TES has always been pretty much Cap free and I'm damn well not having Skyrim change that on me without a fight) but that is a truly ridiculous comment.
Ban people for making Mods like that? In TES series? Do you have any idea how that sounds when you read it to yourself?
Your Comment goes against the concept of TES.

Power gaming is boring yes but the option has always been there for us and well there is "some" amusemant to be found in it.
I don't know why after all these years they decide to stop players from doing that, by removing the Attribute system.

I liked naming my own class, I liked the absurd amount of skills we had the options to use whenever and their governed attributes, it was freedom.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:33 pm

game would be to easy if you could respec, all you would have to do would be:

throw all points into black smithing, alchemy, and enchanting (maybe speech for lower prices)
make uuber gear
respec now putting those points into combat skills

Some of us have the self control to not min/max all the time. Stop using that as an excuse. Besides, if you max out blacksmithing/alchemy/enchanting, you don't even need to respec. You'll be a killer regardless. Nice try, though.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:44 am

I kind of can understand what the OP wants. It's not fun knowing that "I could've done better" and keep playing with the same problematic character, while playing a completely different character just to set things right is too time-consuming, especially if it's just 1-2 points lost, say, to that lockpicking tree. Because sometimes, you have to invest loads of perk points before you finally realize that perk you've been aiming for is not as good as it sounds in practice (Yes, I'm staring at you, Master lockpicker perk)

Perhaps it should be an option at the end of the game, when you've finished the main quest a re-spec feature can finally be used
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:03 am

Telling you to be quiet, post elsewhere, and comment on your morbid grammar, there's no rules against that, i've read the rules, i'm a bookworm.

And there should be a rule about posting in clear readable posts rather than posting with numbers and symbols to represent words, advlts don't like to read kids scribbling on forums. - Edit.

One more thing, it's against the forum rules to be abusive, however, it's against the LAW to play the game underage. - Extra Edit.

Nah, you're looking for a fight bro. It's getting quite obvious. Don't make a thread that says "please read!" if your maturity level isn't high enough to understand that some will disagree and post opinions about that. Relax, not everyone is going to agree with your "necessary" fix. Everyone has every right to post in the thread as long as they are being constructive. Telling people to shut up or "get off" a thread (which makes no grammatical sense actually, you can't get off a thread) is just asking for trouble. Relax.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:31 am

Telling you to be quiet, post elsewhere, and comment on your morbid grammar, there's no rules against that, i've read the rules, i'm a bookworm.

And there should be a rule about posting in clear readable posts rather than posting with numbers and symbols to represent words, advlts don't like to read kids scribbling on forums. - Edit.

One more thing, it's against the forum rules to be abusive, however, it's against the LAW to play the game underage. - Extra Edit.

I've seen advlts with far worse grammar than kids on forums.

And where the heck do you live where it's against the law to play the game "under age"?
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:36 pm

OP and others joining him.

Just stop this.

Its against the whole concept of TES and I personally hope they ban the modders that create a mod to respec.

You create a character with careful thoughts. What you feel. The character is evolving. It does not change into something entirely different.

This is not Wow etc.

You are given massive freedom to do what you want, but you are restricted by your actions.
If you steal an object and is cast in prison, sure, you can reload the game, but you wont have the object then.

You cant and should not be able to respec.

You can however start the game with a new character. Its your choice.

There are also no level cap limit at 50, only for the stats.
You get perks until lvl 81.
So you can build a character that pretty much can have it all, if you wish. There is no need for respec.

This isn't WoW, you can't ban people from a single player game. And because it is a single player game, how other people choose to mod it doesn't effect you. At all.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:23 pm

Closed for review.

Edit: Reviewed and it is staying closed. Some of you don't seem to grasp the forum rules, rude personal attacks, trying to demean other members, playing at grammar police, flamebaiting, falming, etc. will get moderator attention.
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