It's driven by the same mentality that caused so many players to wreck their games in "Oblivion".
The fear of not creating the "Ultimate Character".
We live in a fast paced world where we get what we want bang on fast.
"Skyrim" makes you take your time. So did "Oblvion".
Heck, people had played "Morrowind" to death, to the point that if they had been given the "Morrowind II" so many people thought they wanted they would have hated that too for no other reason than they couldn't be the uber-godlike character they had come to expect themselves to be in "Morrowind".
Like all the games before it "Skyrim" has been designed so that it may be successfully completed by a number of dramatically different character types with diverse attributes and skills.
You don't need to "re-spec".
You just think you do.
The Nord with the Sword
Trust me, i'm all about the professor plums, the epic experience from playing at different play-throughs, i played my first character to 81 as an arch-mage, and i've played this one as a glorious berserker, It's not that people don't have the time for this game, this post wan't based on laziness. i have nearly 62 hours on my second character getting everything perfect discovering the entire map and doing every dungeon etc. this post was based per beta on the sole desire to get the opportunity to play differently, without working through the boringly easy grind, and yes i do, i play on expert before you go "If you want it to be more challenging why not just play expert?" I've greatly respected every one of the elder scrolls' games ever since Daggerfall. I've loved the amount of playtime into this vast wondrous style. I've coded a few extremely minor RPGs' and the problem we always ran into was the little kids complaining that the game was either too difficult or too repetitive, The repetition is the sole strength of this argument. Which could be classified into laziness, but honestly, how many times would you truly want to restart completely to make a maxed character of the slight change from mage to archer, or archer to melee? Light Armor to Heavy Armor? This may be a flimsy topic, much less a flimsy argument, but it's the one a strong core set of the people on this game have.
PS. The secret to the happiness of life, is wanting what you have
The Imperial with something that rhymes with imperial.