Something a LOT of us want, please read!

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:11 am

A few of my closest friends whom play this found this to be the only downer of the game, which isn't really one but it'd be amazing if such device existed, i haven't completely read the forums and unless you already plan to release this it's in no way a spoiler other than explaining that it doesn't exist. Here's the big deal, first time players don't understand the talent system completely, and to compensate for this people who do this normally play a second play-through to get everything they are looking for. A second play-through can be incredibly easy, but somewhat frustrating. So to correct this, I, as well as a large section of my gaming friends want a way to re-specialize your talents. it can cost any ridiculous amount of wanted, or maybe even a small amount of game credits, the bottom line is, people really want to have a way to drop the points they have and start over for a much better way of playing, or maybe change things up a bit.

Not making this out to sound like a "MUST" but if you (the gamers, or even GMs) were to consider making a "Re-Specializtion", Or "Re-Spec" It would be best if it were available before level cap, but not completely nesc. You guys have done a solid job with the first 5 scrolls, it's just this one thing is what keeps coming up in podcasts and discussions between my friends and I. Thank you for reading this! Bump if you will!<33
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:22 am

If you play on PC (and don't want to use console commands), mods will probably take care of this. If
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:48 am

if you play on PC open console and just remove and add perks.

which is what i do if i want to respec

player.addperk "Perk ID"
player.removeperk "Perk ID"

you can find the ID's here >>
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:55 am

"Talents" don't exist in this game... we have skills and perks. I bet you mean perks, and many would say sure... why not. But if you mean skills, most would say that's next to impossible.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:57 pm

i find it hilarious how this supposedly liberating classless system is getting more complaints about respeccing than oblivion ever did :rofl: .
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:17 am

Yes, the thing is, i represent the console users of this game, i have it on PC, had sorry, but i'm not a fan of this Elder Scrolls on my ASUS.. :/ Mods and dashboard feel like cheating because well.. they are..
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:55 pm

"Talents" don't exist in this game... we have skills and perks. I bet you mean perks, and many would say sure... why not. But if you mean skills, most would say that's next to impossible.

Please Stop Trolling For Unicorns on my post.

Talents is just another way to say a perk.
To do more damage with a weapon would be a TALENT, but you get the TALENT with a PERK.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:50 am

game would be to easy if you could respec, all you would have to do would be:

throw all points into black smithing, alchemy, and enchanting (maybe speech for lower prices)
make uuber gear
respec now putting those points into combat skills
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:22 am

There is a very simple way.

You save your perk points until you tried around and found what you want to play.

I often have 5 or more perk points on my character, while deciding what I should stick it too.
If you throw em in the trees as they come, its your problem.

Only mods for the PC will make it so. But thats cheating. I dont think you should be able too.
Thats why you roll another character.

Respecs would create a black hole in the longevity of the game since people would not start 2nd characters.
And as such, they would not experience the full game.

I can in one way appreciate it but.

And when you say 2nd playthrough.
You mean you and your friends that completed the main quest, or?

Anyway, as much as I can understand it, as per above, I think the game deserves that you start over with another character.

Its an open world and YOU choose what you want to do. The only limitation, is that you are stuck to your choices. Thats always been the way of TES, and should be so.
Any modder that create a re spec for Skyrim is breaking the core game mechanic and rule.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:17 am

if they got rid of the level 50 cap it would be a step in the right direction.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:55 pm

I also suggested this a while ago, I still think it's a good idea, it saves you having to start all over again, plus it gives you more options in one play-through (you can switch from Warrior to Mage with ease like this) PC gamers don't have this problem due to access to the console, but we are stuck, so we have to start all over again.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:10 am

i find it hilarious how this supposedly liberating classless system is getting more complaints about respeccing than oblivion ever did :rofl: .

It's driven by the same mentality that caused so many players to wreck their games in "Oblivion".

The fear of not creating the "Ultimate Character".

We live in a fast paced world where we get what we want bang on fast.

"Skyrim" makes you take your time. So did "Oblvion".

Heck, people had played "Morrowind" to death, to the point that if they had been given the "Morrowind II" so many people thought they wanted they would have hated that too for no other reason than they couldn't be the uber-godlike character they had come to expect themselves to be in "Morrowind".

Like all the games before it "Skyrim" has been designed so that it may be successfully completed by a number of dramatically different character types with diverse attributes and skills.

You don't need to "re-spec".

You just think you do.

The Nord with the Sword
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:04 pm

game would be to easy if you could respec, all you would have to do would be:

throw all points into black smithing, alchemy, and enchanting (maybe speech for lower prices)
make uuber gear
respec now putting those points into combat skills

I'd like to address this message personally, first, this games' "Profit" would be drained instantly by the first price i was settling on if a GM would take this forum, 100k gold for a "PERK" reset. to all of you who don't understand the difference between perks and talents.. 100k gold is not that easy to come around at a lower level, so it would be an ideal for the end game content, and if anything by then you deserve to do what you want to. This topic was thrown up because i've had many conversations with a lot of end-game players like myself on this, and we all agree that this would be a benefactor to get to explore as if you were a ranger rather than an arch-mage, a rogue, or maybe a berserker (Current & Fav) Regardless of this setback, people have already found all the loops and whirls to make their gear one shot dragons on master game difficulty and take a large sum of damage from a wide variety of opponents without even being around the game and not dropping below 95% hp. The glitches and brokenness is already out there, to say that this is what would single handily make the game broken with gear and damage? Well simple, grind the crafted gear down to the core as if it had no enchant at all on it. this was meant for a different style of gameplay rather than an open ended exploit to be pointed out by someone who's obviously put a lot of thought of what he could do if it were like this. With that being said, please understand that this post was in no way me crying or ranting about this game, this was to hopefully help the others around this game that aren't the nicely stated "brightest" when it comes to serious decisions.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:09 pm

Yes, the thing is, i represent the console users of this game, i have it on PC, had sorry, but i'm not a fan of this Elder Scrolls on my ASUS.. :/ Mods and dashboard feel like cheating because well.. they are..

i don't find it cheating if i keep the same amount of perk points then i had.

ofc switching it over to money gaining perks to abuse it is indeed cheating. (like smithing, speech etc.)

but i also only use it if i wanna switch "classes" like pure mage, one handed, archer etc.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:51 am

if they got rid of the level 50 cap it would be a step in the right direction.

what? but i heard some forum people say they reached higher than level 50?
does this mean you have to remove the level cap via console?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:22 pm


Perk reset kind of destroys the whole concept of choices having reprecussions. Characters are defined not only by their abilities, but their flaws.
As people have said I am sure this will be featured in a mod but I see no reason why Bethesda would go through all the trouble of developing such a system to then drop an NPC in the game that can undo it all.
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gemma king
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:33 am

OP and others joining him.

Just stop this.

Its against the whole concept of TES and I personally hope they ban the modders that create a mod to respec.

You create a character with careful thoughts. What you feel. The character is evolving. It does not change into something entirely different.

This is not Wow etc.

You are given massive freedom to do what you want, but you are restricted by your actions.
If you steal an object and is cast in prison, sure, you can reload the game, but you wont have the object then.

You cant and should not be able to respec.

You can however start the game with a new character. Its your choice.

There are also no level cap limit at 50, only for the stats.
You get perks until lvl 81.
So you can build a character that pretty much can have it all, if you wish. There is no need for respec.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:15 am

what? but i heard some forum people say they reached higher than level 50?
does this mean you have to remove the level cap via console?

Only attribute cap is at 50, your level and perks continue to raise until you are, atleast lvl 81, possibly higher.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:39 am

50 is a soft cap... meaning it becomes more difficult to level past 50. 81 is the hard cap, where there's no other way to gain experience.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:39 am

what? but i heard some forum people say they reached higher than level 50?
does this mean you have to remove the level cap via console?

i meant you stop recieving perks at level 50. your skill level keeps going up but you can only take 50 (or maybe 49) perks.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:12 am

@ OP

Would i use such a feature? No.
Do i think such an addition would be a worthy addition? No.
Am i against the inclusion of such an option? No.

More power to ya.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 am

There are also no level cap limit at 50, only for the stats.
You get perks until lvl 81.

ok i wasn't aware of that, i thought the perks capped at 50.

this sounds more reasonable, i got to level 44 and started to panic.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:29 am

if you play on PC open console and just remove and add perks.

which is what i do if i want to respec

player.addperk "Perk ID"
player.removeperk "Perk ID"

you can find the ID's here >>

Ty. Makes me feel like I am cheating -.- but oh well.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:17 pm

It's driven by the same mentality that caused so many players to wreck their games in "Oblivion".

The fear of not creating the "Ultimate Character".

We live in a fast paced world where we get what we want bang on fast.

"Skyrim" makes you take your time. So did "Oblvion".

Heck, people had played "Morrowind" to death, to the point that if they had been given the "Morrowind II" so many people thought they wanted they would have hated that too for no other reason than they couldn't be the uber-godlike character they had come to expect themselves to be in "Morrowind".

Like all the games before it "Skyrim" has been designed so that it may be successfully completed by a number of dramatically different character types with diverse attributes and skills.

You don't need to "re-spec".

You just think you do.

The Nord with the Sword

Trust me, i'm all about the professor plums, the epic experience from playing at different play-throughs, i played my first character to 81 as an arch-mage, and i've played this one as a glorious berserker, It's not that people don't have the time for this game, this post wan't based on laziness. i have nearly 62 hours on my second character getting everything perfect discovering the entire map and doing every dungeon etc. this post was based per beta on the sole desire to get the opportunity to play differently, without working through the boringly easy grind, and yes i do, i play on expert before you go "If you want it to be more challenging why not just play expert?" I've greatly respected every one of the elder scrolls' games ever since Daggerfall. I've loved the amount of playtime into this vast wondrous style. I've coded a few extremely minor RPGs' and the problem we always ran into was the little kids complaining that the game was either too difficult or too repetitive, The repetition is the sole strength of this argument. Which could be classified into laziness, but honestly, how many times would you truly want to restart completely to make a maxed character of the slight change from mage to archer, or archer to melee? Light Armor to Heavy Armor? This may be a flimsy topic, much less a flimsy argument, but it's the one a strong core set of the people on this game have.

PS. The secret to the happiness of life, is wanting what you have
The Imperial with something that rhymes with imperial. ;)
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 am

It's driven by the same mentality that caused so many players to wreck their games in "Oblivion".

The fear of not creating the "Ultimate Character".

We live in a fast paced world where we get what we want bang on fast.

"Skyrim" makes you take your time. So did "Oblvion".

Heck, people had played "Morrowind" to death, to the point that if they had been given the "Morrowind II" so many people thought they wanted they would have hated that too for no other reason than they couldn't be the uber-godlike character they had come to expect themselves to be in "Morrowind".

Like all the games before it "Skyrim" has been designed so that it may be successfully completed by a number of dramatically different character types with diverse attributes and skills.

You don't need to "re-spec".

You just think you do.

The Nord with the Sword


Perk reset kind of destroys the whole concept of choices having reprecussions. Characters are defined not only by their abilities, but their flaws.
As people have said I am sure this will be featured in a mod but I see no reason why Bethesda would go through all the trouble of developing such a system to then drop an NPC in the game that can undo it all.

OP and others joining him.

Just stop this.

Its against the whole concept of TES and I personally hope they ban the modders that create a mod to respec.

You create a character with careful thoughts. What you feel. The character is evolving. It does not change into something entirely different.

This is not Wow etc.

You are given massive freedom to do what you want, but you are restricted by your actions.
If you steal an object and is cast in prison, sure, you can reload the game, but you wont have the object then.

You cant and should not be able to respec.

You can however start the game with a new character. Its your choice.

There are also no level cap limit at 50, only for the stats.
You get perks until lvl 81.
So you can build a character that pretty much can have it all, if you wish. There is no need for respec.

^ my thoughts exactly
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