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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:32 am

...maybe lore wise dragon bones can′t be sharpened?

and ya dont really make weapons of scales in my mind.

.....but what of the bones? To me the Falmer gear looks bone-like, have you seen their ''swords''? They are like more an arm bone with tiny spikes on it, bits of broken bone.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:20 am

stop quadruple or double posting OP.

and your argument became invalid to me when you mentioned wow (go and flame me now lol)

you don't sharpen scales.....
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:14 am

You have obviously yet to run into any forsworn.

forsworns doesn't use dragon bone weapons and dragon bones and animal bones are different things
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:16 pm

In many MMOs you cant just power level by crafting low level items like you can in Skyrim. With an iron dagger after a while it should give zero experience and you should need to craft something else. To me it seems like little effort was put into the crafting system in Skyrim and if you do it you basically break the game for yourself

Yeah I love his I spent 2 hours going around BUYING the materials FFS...... I am almost level 30 now and have looted most of the materials for the smithing, including all types of ore. I also knew this was going to happen with the crafting because Bethesda didn't know how to limit it. So that people like this couldn't power level. In AION with the crafting once you went so far you were forced to make higher level items to get XP. As it is right now I can make a few hundred iron daggers and level up 20+ times or more. But then I would be gimping my character and it would screw up the gameplay for me.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:20 am

stop quadruple or double posting OP.

and your argument became invalid to me when you mentioned wow (go and flame me now lol)

you don't sharpen scales.....

If I knew how to quote multiple posts that wouldn't be a problem. The multiquote thing doesn't seem to work. I also never said scales could be sharpened. Now you're just putting words into my mouth. I'll also add that my arguement never became invalid just because I brought up WoW. Stop acting like a child. I am being told that making weapons out of bones and scales isn't likely or possible. If WoW can make a bow out of bones, then so can Skyrim. Not too mention, dragon bones from my understanding are quite strong. I doubt they would chip away or fracture when slicing through armor and flesh.

forsworns doesn't use dragon bone weapons and dragon bones and animal bones are different things

I never said they did, but you along with most of everyone else don't undertsand a single thing about what I have said. If the Forsworn can make weapons out of several objects such as animal bones, claws, and teeth without breaking them in combat, then surely dragon bones can be made into weapons as well. Plus this whole arguement about dragon bone weapons cracking and chipping is invalid because weapons and armor in Skyrim never break.

.....but what of the bones? To me the Falmer gear looks bone-like, have you seen their ''swords''? They are like more an arm bone with tiny spikes on it, bits of broken bone.

The Falmer gear is made from Mudcrab exoskeletons as well as the exoskeleton of a Chaurus.

Edited: How could I have possibly forgotten to capitalize the M in the all mighty Mudcrab!
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:02 am

Just wait... i m sure soon you ll be able to pay good, hard cash for some DLC that adds this into the game, probably the same with spellmaking
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:24 pm

Just wait... i m sure soon you ll be able to pay good, hard cash for some DLC that adds this into the game, probably the same with spellmaking

I'd hope. I must admit, I miss spellmaking alot!
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:50 pm

I'd hope. I must admit, I miss spellmaking alot!

If you want it make a mod for it once tools get out, thats the beauty of this game.
I for one like the fact that there is no dragon weapons in game, maybe some uniques could be added like "dragon fang dagger" but not for crafting.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:50 pm

Have you seen some of the weapons in World of Warcraft, that are pretty much made from the bosses you kill? I'm sure Bethesda could make some neat looking weapons with the bones at least.

I hate to rain on your whole parade here, but I'm pretty sure that weapons in WarCraft aren't made of bosses, but made of polygons and texture maps. Given that reality and the fact that World of WarCraft and Skyrim are not the same game, I believe you have to concede the fact that Bethesda probably didn't do some things for very specific reasons, and it's very likely that in some design meetings during development of the game that these very questions came up, and there are likely very good reasons why you don't see dragon bone or dragon scale weapons.
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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:15 am

Just wait... i m sure soon you ll be able to pay good, hard cash for some DLC that adds this into the game, probably the same with spellmaking

Or some creative genius living in poverty on the streets will make you a dragon bone spear for nothing. :rolleyes:
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:34 am

I personally have nothing against WoW, but TES is contrary to popular belief NOTHING CLOSE TO WoW. So people seriously need to stop comparing TES to WoW. Why not compare TES to Final Fantasy Online, Maple Story, Hello Kitty Island Adventures, and a tomato...

If you are going to compare TES with another game... why not....hmm a Previous TES game? Cause that's the only thing reasonable to compare it to.

I keep hearing about this Hello Kitty Island, sounds like a blast... might have to go and play it ! :biggrin:
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:50 am

why are you people cobbling together poor excuses for why beth didnt include dragonbone weapons? if the forsworn can turn animal teeth into a pretty decent sword, the falmer make shields and axes out of bugs, why on earth would making weapons out of high-end crafting materials be so far fetched?

i can hammer organs into ebony and churn out a superior product. i think i can carve a few bones to a finer point then when i carved them into body armor :spotted owl: .
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