First off, bear in mind that the \"Key point of failure\" wasn\'t the only test going on in any given vault
Vault 27 - Populated to Double Capacity
How many people can safely be put on this ship? At what point is Too many, too many? How much personal space is a person going to need? How will people cope with this limited personal space? At some point in the future people on that ship are going to have children, at what level is zero-population-growth going to have to be a neccessity. How will society cope having to stretch its food to 50% of a normal amount?
Vault 34 - Overstocked with weaponry and no lock
Will the "Right to bear arms" have to be suspended, or can people be trusted to be sensible with weaponry? With the Enclave\'s goal of trying to preserve the American way of life and quite possibly having a few more conservative voices than the average american population, this may have been seen as an important question to ask
Vault 36 - Gruel is the only food available
You can't see a point in this? Try eating something bland, the same thing, every day for a month, no variety in your diet at all. Come back to me with the results.
vault 53 - Equipment breaks down at a rapid pace
Again, this is a gimmie. The vault is literaly falling to bits around them - Something that has a very good chance of happening on a generation ship, be it due to old age and limited spare parts, or due to an ecounter with a comet or asteroid. The people in this vault live in a high stress environment all the time.
vault 55 - No Entertainment
Try living in a room with no entertainment, no internet connection. No video games, DVDs or movies. Come back to me after a month and tell me how you\'re doing.
vault 56 - No Entertainment, except from one particularly bad actor
See above.
vault 68 and 69 - 1 person of one gender, 999 of the other
Human society as we know it is generaly about 1:1 with the genders... Is this the best possible ratio for a generation ship? Would 999 Women and 1 "Sperm Machine" actually do better? How would life be different with a matirachy? How would a large group of men cope with limited opportunites to consort with the opposite six?
vault 70 - Mormons and Clothes Machines break after 6 months.
Forgive me if I'm a little rusty on my Mormon Knowledge, but I understand they're a very moral people and probably would have a problem with people running around in the buff. How is a mighly moral group of people going to deal with such a situation?
so lets waste those preccious few remaining resources and time by building vaults that, for the most part, won\'t even have any positive bennefits working towards a goal of fleeing the planet.... thats a way better call than leaving the vaults as intended and having more people survive and re-populating the earth. /sarcasm
As far as anyone outside of the Enclave was concerned, thats exactly what the vaults were supposed to do.
As far as the Enclave was concerned, the people in the vaults didn't count - They weren't the "Right sort" of people anyway (if they were, they and their families would be in the Enclave!). The enclave is not the salvation army - they don't care about the population as a whole, they only care about their own backsides.
AI wouldnt have to act human-i am not talking about AI as vault condition people simulators...
the whole reason i introduced AI to this conversation is because it would take humans out of the equation during travel-when they are going to be confined on proposed space ship. steer a ship, scan for hospitibal living conditions, maintain stasis and ship functions.. thats all theyd need to know how to do. why AI would be better than a computer for this is its adaptability for changing scenarios. in short, they could have bypassed the experiments all together by deciding to use AI to run everyting while people were in stasis (which again could have been tested well before/instead of building vaults.)
And there were/would be experiments to test that hypothesis to see if it would be the best way of doing things...
I know its not fallout, but putting an AI in charge isnt always a road to success... Sometimes the AI gets a "mind of its own"
the enclave wouldnt even need to test how people react to each other when confined in small spaces for long periods of time because, the enclave themselves by default were confined in a small space for long periods of time (possibly 200 years right?) furthermore, they (not john q public) would be the ones on the space ship. they would have a military protocol that would do away with anyone not getting with the program. there wouldnt be a need to see how citizen A felt about being fed only thin watery gruel for sustinance.. it would be \"you dont like the food recruit?\" *jettison into space* .
The Enclave vault had the best of everything and would not face every situation that could be done in the vaults. They weren\'t just the military, they included a lot of civilians as well. You don't think the "Leaders of the Free World" would willingly just eat gruel, right?
i doubt highly that when F2 was made this was the plan. just like when F1 was made the experiments themselves werent part of the plan.
Play FO2, and talk to President Richardson. Ask him yourself.
{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the vaults - were part of the great plan.}
{223}{}{Those damn vaults didn\'t work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}
{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }
{225}{}{An experiment?}
{226}{prs36a}{The vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}
There was also intended to be a file on the Vault 13 computer explaining the Vault Behavioural Project.