I didnt vote for "Which format do you prefer for an RPG?" because both have a time and a place.
Oh and these two, for me, are the same thing
"To experience the game world. "
"To enjoy what the game presents"
That's understandable. I made the poll to polarize the issues to try and get a clear consensus on some of the most contentiousness issues.
As your second issue, I think one has a broader range of factors than the other and are very different depending on your perspective.
"experience the game world"
Go see all the sights and dungeons.
"enjoy what the game presents"
this one is much more loaded and speaks to the reason people buy certain games. It speaks to the crowd that plays TES game for the unique experience an enjoyment. In other words to enjoy the game the developers presented for them. Knowing their are flaws but understanding it adds to the character of the game, what ever game it is. Playing the game for what it is, instead of what it could be.
I actually thought it'd be the number one pick.