Over the past 24 hours 5 players and counting have reported the same issue. I don't recall anyone prior to yesterday ever having raised this problem. Let's begin.
It doesn't affect all players but the players affected all experience the same problems:
- NPCs added by Wyrmstooth aren't delivering any voice acting, not even idle lines.
- Wyrmstooth quest scripting isn't running.
- Custom assets added by the mod aren't appearing.
However, AI packages added by the mod are functioning. Theodyn will hound the player with his forcegreet but won't speak.
From what I can gather, the game is loading Wyrmstooth.esp but not Wyrmstooth.bsa. I have absolutely no idea how this could be the case and why it only started 24 hours ago, however one player admitted to using a pirated copy of Skyrim so that might be a factor.
So far, the only viable workaround is to unpack the Wyrmstooth.bsa file to the Skyrim/Data folder.
Wyrmstooth was last updated 2 weeks ago to version 1.11 and players have definitely been able to play it and complete the copies available both on Steam and Nexusmods.
So following a hunch, have any mod managers updated recently? I really have no idea where else to start with this.