I think most people here do agree that orcs are elves.
It doesn't matter how much elven blood they have, they'll always be the result of a bowel movement.
Yep, not many people know that Orcs are the product of...well, the stinky stuff
Something else... the reason Altmer are yellow is that they are banana-flavored.
Oh no... nightmares of the banana Altmer from Oblivion are resurfacing...
As for the Orc thing, only one thing to say, OrsiMER.
They may be elves, but their faces tend to make their fannies look cute by comparison.
M'aiq thinks Orcs are elves.
M'aiq includes Bretons has a elf and human. =D
I'm aware of their heritage but I'm one of those who see a difference between what they were and what they are today and imo they are no longer "elves". As I've said in the other thread, calling them elves would be like calling Nords Atmorans, they hail from the same bloodline but they're not the same. It's even more of a difference in the Orcs case as they were purposefully corrupted by a Daedric Prince to no longer resemble their former elven selves so the differences may be more then just visual.
I also note that they're the only mer race that doesn't have elf in their common name, elves don't consider them kin and Orcs never refer to themselves as Orsimer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNMSdxzGQzc dialogue sums up Orcs nicely even though it's different lore as they came to be in roughly the same way.