After experimenting with the excellent Dynamic Leveled Lists (oblivion . nexusmods . com / downloads / file.php ? id = 37904) mod, I have been looking to find something similar but for items.
Items would be considered as loot coming from various creatures, or containers, throughout the world. Options to level loot or not, to assign it to boss creatures only, to have it sold at stores, for example, with a neat and functional interface like DLL, would of course grant huge bonus points.
My ultimate goal is to significantly reduce the number of clothes/armor/weapons mods that I have. They seem to almost always come with ESPs, while I am not really convinced that they always need it. If instead I could build a single leveled list ESP out of them all, with pertinent criteria, it would just be nifty!
The closest that I have found, after wading through 20 pages of "Gameplay Effects and Changes" at the Nexus, is this mod (oblivion . nexusmods . com / downloads / file . php ? id = 3964), but I am not convinced by it, beside it being a 50 Mo download !??
Would such a fine mod already exist ? If yes, can someone point me towards it please ? If not, has anyone ever considered creating it ?
PS (to forum moderators) : First you deactivate my account on these forums for reasons unknown to me (never received a message about it, even less a ban). I had to create a new account, since I couldn't find any option to easily recover my password, and now you won't allow me to post links. Sighs ~.^