Yeah, I noticed it too, but ignored it. I'm sure it will be fixed, and if it's not, what are the chances you'll run by that spot from that angle and see what's probably just a small little glitch? It's certainly possible I guess, but such a small little nit-pick. I guess pointing it out can't hurt, supposing Bethesda's unaware of it.
Well, if my interpretation of the "glitch" is correct, which was that this engine can't render two overlapping transparencies, then that has the potential for some other weirdness, such as a bush not appearing if you're viewing it through some tree leaf cover.
However, since the transparency in the background is being displayed, not the one in the foreground, that could be Bethesda's way of making transparent windows work. Think about it, which is better: "Oh, I cant see any plants out of this window." or "This window seems oddly clear, but hell, I can see out of it!"